克麗絲汀‧哈斯勒Christine Hassler: 4 books

Book cover of 接受你的期待成空:走出愛情、工作與生活的期待落空不適症,將生命的煤灰轉化為鑽石
by 克麗絲汀‧哈斯勒(Christine Hassler)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: June 5, 2017

面對現實吧,人生隨處是我們不樂見的意外! 當期待落空時, 讓你陷入沮喪的,並非你的渴望**,** 而是放下你對期待的執著。 你發現了嗎? 人對任何事物的發生,很難沒有期待。 當人生處處如願、順利,我們感到成就十足,走路有風;我們覺得安心,一切都在軌道上,這樣走下去絕對沒問題。但是,當期待一旦落空,天彷彿塌了下來,感覺就如酒後隔日的宿醉,令人頭痛欲裂。我們便開始後悔、懊惱、自責,甚至憤怒。這些令人不舒服的特殊症狀,就是「期待落空不適症」。 人的自然反應,就是在這些症狀中痛苦掙扎、惡性循環直到某人某事出現,才稍覺好過一點。然而,轉移注意力並非治本之道。克麗絲汀‧哈斯勒建議,走出沮喪,不再抗拒眼前的事實,也不要把自己當成一個受害者,才會有更大能量去療癒它。期待落空,是生命重大的禮物,自我轉化的觸媒。只要換一個角度迎接它,生命轉變的大門就會為我們敞開。 ◎...
Book cover of 20 Something, 20 Everything

20 Something, 20 Everything

A Quarter-life Woman's Guide to Balance and Direction

by Christine Hassler
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2010

The midtwenties through the midthirties can be a time of difficult transition: the security blankets of college and parents are gone, and it’s suddenly time to make far-reaching decisions about career, investments, and adult identity. When author Christine Hassler experienced what she calls the...
Book cover of 20 Something Manifesto

20 Something Manifesto

Quarter-Lifers Speak Out about Who They Are, What They Want, and How to Get It

by Christine Hassler
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2010

Surrounded by possibility but unsure of your direction? You’re not alone. If you’re in your twenties, you’re likely feeling the combination of the excitement of this defining decade and the pressure to figure out your entire life. The thrill of newfound independence and opportunity can be quickly...
Book cover of Expectation Hangover

Expectation Hangover

Free Yourself from Your Past, Change Your Present and Get What You Really Want

by Christine Hassler
Language: English
Release Date: January 7, 2016

When our expectations are met and things go according to plan, we feel a sense of accomplishment; we feel safe, in control, and on track. But when life does not live up to our expectations, we end up with an Expectation Hangover. This particular brand of disappointment is profoundly uncomfortable...
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