布萊德.羅米尼克Brad Lomenick: 4 books

Book cover of The Catalyst Leader

The Catalyst Leader

8 Essentials for Becoming a Change Maker

by Brad Lomenick
Language: English
Release Date: April 16, 2013

"Your legacy, regardless of where you are in your leadership journey, starts now. Leading well now means finishing well later." - Brad Lomenick We need great leaders. More than ever we need authentic, collaborative, inspiring men and women of integrity at the helm of society- and too often...
Book cover of H3 Leadership

H3 Leadership

Be Humble. Stay Hungry. Always Hustle.

by Brad Lomenick
Language: English
Release Date: September 22, 2015

From spending more than two decades alongside thought leaders such as Jim Collins and Malcolm Gladwell, as well as countless Fortune 500 CEOs and start-up entrepreneurs, leadership consultant Brad Lomenick has created a practical road map for helping anyone implement and live out the twenty transformational...
Book cover of 給得勝者的20個關鍵字:頂尖管理大師教你的致勝力
by 布萊德.羅米尼克(Brad Lomenick)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 19, 2016

世界頂尖領導者都在做的20件事, 做到其中3件,領導自己,就是職場贏家! 領導力不是天生,而是透過正確習慣養成的。 掌握謙卑、飢渴、拼搏的領導原則,從20個致勝工作習慣入手, 不論從哪項開始,都能立即見效、受用無窮,讓你成為想被追隨的人! 領導特質不是某些幸運者才有的天賦禮物,只要培養正確的習慣,每個人都能從領導自己開始,逐漸轉變為人人都想跟隨的成功領導者。重點是:要培養哪些習慣?這些習慣又要如何培養? 作者布萊德以他數十年領導與策略顧問的經驗,將複雜的領導學化繁為簡,歸納出三大領導原則以及20個關鍵致勝的工作習慣,並針對每一項習慣,提供實際而有效的練習方法。此外,書中邀請33位各界菁英人士,從各個層面分享他們提升領導力的獨門秘訣,幫助你培養頂尖領導者該具備的特質,讓你在領導之路上先馳得點、旗開得勝。 這20個關鍵字分別是: 1...
Book cover of El líder catalizador

El líder catalizador

8 claves esenciales para ser un instrumento de cambio

by Brad Lomenick
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 5, 2013

***¿Es usted un líder dinámico, de alto octanaje, con grandes ideas y las destrezas necesarias para respaldarlas? ¿Ayuda usted a dar forma a los corazones y mentes de las personas que lidera? En resumen, ¿es un líder catalizador?***Lo cierto es que la mayoría de nosotros queremos ser buenos...
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