康培莊 John F Copper: 6 books

Book cover of Taiwan


Nation-State or Province?

by John F Copper
Language: English
Release Date: May 4, 2018

In this newly revised and updated edition of Taiwan: Nation-State or Province?, John F. Copper examines Taiwan's geography and history, society and culture, economy, political system, and foreign and security policies in the context of Taiwan's uncertain political status as either a sovereign nation...
Book cover of 飛彈、政客與祕密外交:台灣問題專家四十年的深度觀察


Playing with Fire: The Looming War with China over Taiwan

by 康培莊 John F. Copper
Language: Chinese
Release Date: September 6, 2017

**1970-2017美中台關係發展史 台灣問題專家逾四十年精深研究的結晶之作 ●台海風雲密布,本書勾勒出這幅心驚膽顫的景象。 ●跨越四十年、涵蓋美中台三方全方位觀點、最新的國際關係研究。 ●台美斷交前夕至今,美中台三邊外交最鉅細靡遺的記載。 ●美國台灣問題專家逾四十年精深研究,畢生首部中文翻譯著作。 ●作者特別為中文版增訂2006年英文書出版後至2017年的發展。 ●鉅細靡遺地以第一手觀察和資料敘述美中台關係發展史。** 「對任何一本書的讀者而言,瞭解作者的『出發點』有其啟發性,也就是他或她的背景、偏見和看待議題的方式。雖然我在美國的中心地帶出生及成長,但到了而立之年,台灣幾乎是我的第二個家。」 --康培莊 康培莊是美國首屈一指的台灣問題專家,對台灣和中國議題非常熟悉,至今筆耕不輟。這本書是他四十多年觀察、思考和寫作的累積。作者在自序中提到他1963年來到台灣,親眼見到台灣創造民主化和經濟起飛的「雙奇蹟」,也目睹了幾次台灣大選的混亂局面和台海危機,從這樣的「出發點」開始,他共寫了26本關於台灣的專書,這本書便是交織了浪漫風情和現實主義的集大成者。 林孝庭在《意外的國度:蔣介石、美國、與近代台灣的形塑》敘述1945-1954台灣如何成為國民黨政府最後一塊根據地,聚焦於飄搖不定的台美關係。在《飛彈、政客與祕密外交》這本書中,康培莊從1970年代尼克森/季辛吉與中國祕密外交到今日中美交鋒,緊扣著美中台三方關係,而中國的崛起,注定與美國爭奪霸主,一如古希臘歷史學家修昔底德記錄古希臘兩次重大戰爭之一的《伯羅奔尼撒戰爭史》,中美之間的矛盾與衝突,以及經濟對政治、軍事的影響,再次印證了「修昔底德陷阱」-崛起中的強權挑戰霸權的情形下,一場戰爭在所難免,而夾在中間的台灣勢必捲入戰局。值得一提的是,英文書名「玩火」(Playing...
Book cover of Human Rights In Post-mao China
by John F Copper
Language: English
Release Date: March 5, 2019

The concept of individual human rights in the People's Republic of China, as in all communist countries, is fundamentally different from that in the West. Even so, the record of the Mao Zedong years is generally acknowledged as dismal even in China. This book investigates human rights in China from a historical perspective but concentrates on the p
Book cover of Taiwan at a Tipping Point

Taiwan at a Tipping Point

The Democratic Progressive Party's Return to Power

by John F. Copper
Language: English
Release Date: November 30, 2017

Taiwan at a Tipping Point assesses issues relating to Taiwan’s new political, economic, diplomatic and military/strategic state-of-affairs following the January 2016 national election that brought the then opposition Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) to power. This was a momentous event. The DPP...
Book cover of Communist Nations' Military Assistance
by John F Copper
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2019

This book looks at the military aid given by communist bloc countries to other bloc countries and to Third World nations. The authors analyze the military aid capabilities of communist donor nations, their specific motivations for offering military aid, and the policies and guidelines that govern arms assistance. They also discuss competitio
Book cover of Historical Dictionary of Taiwan (Republic of China)
by John F. Copper
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2014

This fourth edition of Historical Dictionary of the Taiwan (Republic of China) covers its history through a chronology, an introductory essay, appendixes, and an extensive bibliography. The dictionary section has over 600 cross-referenced entries on important personalities, politics, economy, foreign...
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