愛德華‧伊格 Edward Eager: 10 books

Book cover of Tales of Magic
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: October 18, 2016

Just in time for the holiday season, four classic Edward Eager Tales of Magic in one affordable package. Ever since Half Magic first hit bookshelves in 1954, Edward Eager's Tales of Magic have been favorites with readers of all ages. Now his four most popular stories—Half Magic, Knight's...
Book cover of 魔法二分之一
by 愛德華‧伊格 Edward Eager
Language: Chinese
Release Date: January 28, 2015

**  撿到魔法硬幣的那一刻,精采冒險就要開始了——   等一下!魔法怎麼只有二分之一?**   珍、馬克、凱瑟琳、瑪莎四個兄弟姊妹正面臨史上最無聊的暑假。他們的爸爸過世了,媽媽必須努力工作養家,整個暑假只有凶巴巴的保母畢小姐和貓咪凱芮陪伴他們。好想去鄉下或湖邊渡假啊!如果能有魔法冒險就更好了——   魔法真的發生了。   在一個美麗的早晨,珍撿到一枚魔法硬幣,它能實現任何願望——的二分之一。   什麼是「希望貓咪會講話」的二分之一?什麼是「在沙漠荒島上冒險」的二分之一?什麼又是「從此過著幸福快樂的生活」的二分之一呢?   驚喜不斷、刺激又爆笑的魔法冒險就要開始了!你還在等什麼呢?   《學校圖書館學報》Top100兒童小說選書,美國小學生必讀的經典之作! 本書特色      自從1954年《魔法二分之一》在美國問世後,愛德華‧伊格的魔法故事,立刻成為了歷久不衰的經典之作,直到現在,依然是美國小學生的必讀書單。   而今天,這股魔法的旋風,即將席捲你我! 名人推薦   《魔法½》是一本有趣、迷人、超越時代的書。——《紐約時報書評》   巧妙的奇幻之作,充滿驚奇與笑料,是孩子一旦開始閱讀,就停不下來的書。——《圖書館學刊》星號書評 讀者推薦   我在七歲的時候第一次讀到《魔法二分之一》,二十年後,我對這本書的喜愛一點都沒有減少!我對兒童文學的熱情似乎是從這本書開始的,這本書擁有優秀兒童文學的所有特點:幽默、睿智、精采情節與超棒角色。——Ivy‧美國   我在九歲時初次讀到《魔法二分之一》便愛上這本書,我一而再的讀它,對我來說,這本書就像是我的老朋友。我現在是一位圖書館員,我也總是會將這本書推薦給我的小讀者們,希望他們能經歷書中的冒險,以及書中四位迷人的孩子。——讀者A‧英國   我小時候就十分喜歡《魔法二分之一》,但等我長大之後,我才想透這個故事背後的深意。《魔法二分之一》不只是一個魔法故事,它是一個關於如何面對「失去」的故事。書中的四個孩子在年幼時便失去了父親,只有大姊珍對父親還有印象。所以當其他三個孩子對可能成為他們繼父的史密思先生展開雙臂時,珍卻感到痛苦萬分。愛德華‧伊格細膩的描寫出失去至親的孩子的心情,卻又利用有趣的情節,巧妙的化解了孩子心中的傷痛。——一位單親家庭的孩子‧美國   愛德華‧伊格的《魔法二分之一》會讓你驚嘆:原來這麼優美的文字是存在的!——Gord...
Book cover of Magic by the Lake
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 1999

When wishing for magic, it's hard not to wish for too much. If Jane, Mark, Katharine, and Martha had stopped to think—oh, if they had only stopped to think!—they would have ordered magic by the pound, or by the day, or even by the halves as they had in Half Magic. But no, they asked for magic...
Book cover of The Well-Wishers
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 1999

The wishing well is all used up, its magic drained, its enchantment gone dry. Or has it? In a reckless moment, Gordy threatens the old well, telling it to get going with its magic or else! and suddenly he and his friends are plunged into just the sort of adventures they’d longed for. But is it really...
Book cover of The Time Garden
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 1999

Time and again, the children from Knight's Castle have longed for another magic adventure. But you can't find magic just anywhere. It doesn't just grow like grass. It requires the right place and the right time— Or thyme, as the case may be. For at Mrs. Whiton's house, magic grows wild as the fragrant...
Book cover of 魔法湖畔
by 愛德華‧伊格 Edward Eager
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 1, 2015

Book cover of Half Magic
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 1999

It all begins with a strange coin on a sun-warmed sidewalk. Jane finds the coin, and because she and her siblings are having the worst, most dreadfully boring summer ever, she idly wishes something exciting would happen. And something does: Her wish is granted. Or not quite. Only half of her wish...
Book cover of Magic or Not?
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 1999

When is magic not magic? Laura is a girl who goes out of her way to find adventure. So when her family moves to a house with a well in the yard—a wishing well, according to Lydia, Laura's opinionated, horse-mad, outrageous new neighbor—Laura is all too willing to make a wish and see what happens. Plenty...
Book cover of Knight's Castle
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: March 31, 1999

If the old toy soldier hadn’t come to life, Roger would never have discovered the magic. And that would never have happened if he and his sister, Ann, hadn’t been sent to stay with their bossy cousins for the summer. And that wouldn’t have happened at all if their father hadn’t gotten sick...
Book cover of Seven-Day Magic
by Edward Eager
Language: English
Release Date: August 16, 1999

All books are magic, but some are more magical than others. When Susan opens a strange library book, she discovers it is about her and her friends, leading up to the moment when she opened the book. Beyond that, the pages are blank . . . waiting for the children to wish the book full of adventures. Fredericka...
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