約書亞.格恩斯 Joshua Gans: 7 books

Book cover of The Disruption Dilemma
by Joshua Gans
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2016

An expert in management takes on the conventional wisdom about disruption, looking at companies that proved resilient and offering managers tools for survival. “Disruption” is a business buzzword that has gotten out of control. Today everything and everyone seem to be characterized as disruptive—or,...
Book cover of Parentonomics


An Economist Dad Looks at Parenting

by Joshua Gans
Language: English
Release Date: August 27, 2010

What every parent needs to know about negotiating, incentives, outsourcing, and other strategies to solve the economic management problem that is parenting. Like any new parent, Joshua Gans felt joy mixed with anxiety upon the birth of his first child. Who was this blanket-swaddled small person...
Book cover of Information Wants to Be Shared
by Joshua Gans
Language: English
Release Date: October 2, 2012

Stewart Brand famously declared, “Information wants to be free.” Except he didn’t (not really). And it doesn’t. Information is much more complicated than that. What information really wants-what makes it more valuable, useful, and immediate, Joshua Gans argues-is to be shared. Using...
Book cover of Prediction Machines

Prediction Machines

The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

by Ajay Agrawal, Joshua Gans, Avi Goldfarb
Language: English
Release Date: April 17, 2018

"What does AI mean for your business? Read this book to find out." -- Hal Varian, Chief Economist, Google Artificial intelligence does the seemingly impossible, magically bringing machines to life--driving cars, trading stocks, and teaching children. But facing the sea change that...
Book cover of 破壞性創新的兩難
by 約書亞.格恩斯(Joshua Gans)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 9, 2017

《創新的兩難》作者專業推薦 這是破壞性創新領域在《創新的兩難》後最重要的著作! 許多企業面臨新科技帶來的的破壞,有些公司成功存活,有些則黯然消失,但他們絕非都坐以待斃,而是面對挑戰時心有餘而力不足。 ◎百視達與NetFlix 百視達於2010年宣告破產,許多人認為它是受到線上影音串流、隨選視訊的破壞性創新影響,但其實百視達早在2000年便推出自家的線上隨選租片,甚至也曾仿效NetFlix提供郵寄DVD服務。實際上,早在影音串流主導影視市場之前,百視達便已陷入困境,它的問題在於無法突破既有商業組織結構,而非僅因為新科技帶來的破壞性創新。 ◎柯達與手機拍照 柯達於2012年宣告破產,罪魁禍首是數位科技及其為相片產業帶來的改變。但柯達早在1990年代便密切注意數位科技,甚至在2005年時成為美國市場龍頭。柯達有能力預測市場,並對破壞性創新進行鉅額投資,卻沒有料想到應該把手機列入技術提升的項目當中。顯然單是預見破壞、自我破壞,並不足以保障一家公司不會失敗。 眾多現實案例足以指出,「創新的兩難」需要更多的解答,其中的關鍵就在這本書! 本書作者提出「供給面破壞」這項對企業威脅更大的創新,並說明如何正確辨識出來與應對,以克服產品架構破壞所帶來的威脅,找出讓公司挺過破壞的長期生存之道! 【誠摯推薦】 台大管理學院院長 郭瑞祥 上銀集團總裁...
Book cover of AI經濟的策略思維:善用人工智慧的預測威力,做出最佳商業決策


Prediction Machines: The Simple Economics of Artificial Intelligence

by 阿杰.艾格拉瓦 Ajay Agrawal, 約書亞.格恩斯 Joshua Gans, 阿維.高德法布 Avi Goldfarb
Language: Chinese
Release Date: October 31, 2018

到底該如何應用AI、找出創造新價值的機會? 了解人工智慧最強大的力量,就在預測, 用經濟學的分析架構,設計出最佳的策略選擇! 「AI 對你的企業有什麼意義?看這本書就知道。」 --Google首席經濟學家哈爾.韋瑞安 自動駕駛、物體辨識、語言翻譯、詐騙偵測… AI的應用正快速滲入每一個領域,人工智慧大普及的時代即將來臨。但是,能夠利用AI脫穎而出的企業屈指可數。AI科技對企業到底有什麼影響? 備受科技界與決策領導人推崇的多倫多大學羅特曼管理學院的三位教授艾格拉瓦、格恩斯、高德法布,是專門研究科技影響的經濟學家。在本書中,他們解答經理人該如何思考AI影響的各種問題。 ●對企業來說,AI到底是什麼?AI是預測的科技,而預測是決策的生產要素。 ●AI的關鍵影響是什麼?AI的重大經濟意義,就是使得預測變得更便宜。可以被人工智慧預測取代的都會貶值;與人工智慧預測互補的都會升值。未來無可取代的就是資料與判斷。 ●當預測便宜到人人可以負擔,企業的工作流程、事業規模與範圍、商業模式、策略選擇全都會改變。三位教授發展出一套評量AI策略的AI...
Book cover of Survive and Thrive

Survive and Thrive

Winning Against Strategic Threats to Your Business

by Joshua Gans, Sarah Kaplan
Language: English
Release Date: September 6, 2017

Whether big or small, companies incessantly face challenges that can threaten their bottom line and even their survival. These threats keep corporate leaders up at night. What can companies do to stay alive? Survive and Thrive: Winning Against Strategic Threats to Your Business features a...
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