莎拉.貝克威爾Sarah Bakewell: 10 books

Book cover of Al caffè degli esistenzialisti
by Sarah Bakewell
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 17, 2016

Siamo a cavallo tra il 1932 e il 1933. Al Bec-de-Graz, un caffè di Parigi la cui specialità sono i cocktail all’albicocca, si incontrano tre giovani amici: Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir e il loro compagno di scuola Raymond Aron. È lui a introdurre Sartre e la de Beauvoir alla fenomenologia,...
Book cover of Wie soll ich leben?

Wie soll ich leben?

oder Das Leben Montaignes in einer Frage und zwanzig Antworten

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: German
Release Date: August 4, 2016

Sarah Bakewells Buch ist ein Geniestreich: Auf höchst elegante und unterhaltsame Weise erzählt sie das Leben Montaignes und beantwortet zugleich unsere Fragen nach einem guten Leben. Authentischer und aktueller wurde noch nie über den großen Philosophen und Essayisten geschrieben. Das Buch wurde...
Book cover of De existentialisten

De existentialisten

filosoferen over vrijheid, zijn en coctails

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: Dutch
Release Date: November 15, 2016

‘De existentialisten’ van Sarah Bakewell vertelt het bewogen verhaal van een invloedrijke generatie denkers, waaronder Simone de Beauvoir, Jean-Paul Sartre en Raymond Aron. Zij speelden een cruciale rol in het verzet tijdens WO II en in emancipatiebewegingen van onder anderen feministen, antikolonialisten...
Book cover of Das Café der Existenzialisten

Das Café der Existenzialisten

Freiheit, Sein und Aprikosencocktails

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: German
Release Date: July 18, 2016

Wie macht man Philosophie aus Aprikosencocktails? Für Sartre kein Problem: Er machte Philosophie aus einem Schwindelgefühl, aus Voyeurismus, Scham, Sadismus, Revolution, Musik und Sex. Sarah Bakewell erzählt mit wunderbarer Leichtigkeit, wie der Existenzialismus zum Lebensgefühl einer Generation...
Book cover of At the Existentialist Café

At the Existentialist Café

Freedom, Being, and Apricot Cocktails with Jean-Paul Sartre, Simone de Beauvoir, Albert Camus, Martin Heidegger, Maurice Merleau-Ponty and Others

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: English
Release Date: March 1, 2016

Named one of the Ten Best Books of 2016 by the New York Times, a spirited account of a major intellectual movement of the twentieth century and the revolutionary thinkers who came to shape it, by the best-selling author of How to Live Sarah Bakewell. Paris, 1933: three contemporaries meet over...
Book cover of En el café de los existencialistas

En el café de los existencialistas

Sexo, café y cigarrillos o cuando filosofar era provocador

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 13, 2016

La autora de Cómo vivir. Una vida con Montaigne vuelve con un apasionante retrato de una época y un lugar en los que la filosofía, la sensualidad y la rebeldía iban siempre de la mano. París, 1933: tres amigos están reunidos tomando cócteles de albaricoque en el bar Bec-de-Gaz, en la...
Book cover of The Smart
by Sarah Bakewell
Language: English
Release Date: June 8, 2011

'Sarah Bakewell has written a scholarly biography that reads like a detective novel with a historical setting ... full of sharp pen-portraits, lively asides and quirky details ... every bit as colourful and enjoyable as the title suggests' Independent The Smart is a true drama of eighteenth-century...
Book cover of Montaigne, Philosopher of Life
by Sarah Bakewell
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2013

What is it to be a human being? Why do I behave as I do? Montaigne did not flinch from these essential questions. His insights into the way we live are as relevant for today as they were in the 16th century. Sarah Bakewells seven-part ebook tackles the brilliance of Montaigne, philosopher of life, and...
Book cover of How to Live

How to Live

Or A Life of Montaigne in One Question and Twenty Attempts at an Answer

by Sarah Bakewell
Language: English
Release Date: October 19, 2010

Winner of the 2010 National Book Critics Circle Award for Biography How to get along with people, how to deal with violence, how to adjust to losing someone you love—such questions arise in most people’s lives. They are all versions of a bigger question: how do you live? How do you do the...
Book cover of 我們在存在主義咖啡館:那些關於自由、哲學家與存在主義的故事
by 莎拉.貝克威爾(Sarah Bakewell)
Language: Chinese
Release Date: March 2, 2017

★《紐約時報》、《衛報》、《泰晤士報文學副刊》、《觀察家報》、《星期日郵報》2016年度十大好書★知名書評網站 Five Books 2016年度最佳哲學書★美國國家書評獎、英國庫伯獎雙料桂冠得主最新力作★阮若缺│國立政治大學歐洲語文學系教授、葉浩│哲學星期五資深志工/國立政治大學政治系副教授...
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