麥可‧米卡洛維茲 Mike Michalowicz: 6 books

Book cover of Profit First

Profit First

Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

by Mike Michalowicz
Language: English
Release Date: January 18, 2017

Author of cult classics The Pumpkin Plan and The Toilet Paper Entrepreneur offers a simple, counterintuitive cash management solution that will help small businesses break out of the doom spiral and achieve instant profitability. Conventional accounting uses the logical (albeit, flawed) formula:...
Book cover of The Pumpkin Plan

The Pumpkin Plan

A Simple Strategy to Grow a Remarkable Business in Any Field

by Mike Michalowicz
Language: English
Release Date: July 5, 2012

Each year Americans start one million new businesses, nearly 80 percent of which fail within the first five years. Under such pressure to stay alive—let alone grow—it’s easy for entrepreneurs to get caught up in a never-ending cycle of “sell it—do it, sell it—do it” that leaves them...
Book cover of La ganancia es primero

La ganancia es primero

Transforma tu negocio en una máquina de hacer dinero

by Mike Michalowicz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 17, 2017

¡Haz que tu negocio trabaje para ti, obtén ganancias de todos tus ingresos y garantiza la rentabilidad de tu empresa! En su manera franca y entretenida, Mike Michalowicz revela por qué la fórmula tradicional ventas - gastos = ganancia no sólo es contraria a la conducta humana, sino un...
Book cover of El sistema Clockwork

El sistema Clockwork

Diseña tu negocio para que funcione solo, como relojito

by Mike Michalowicz
Language: Spanish
Release Date: January 31, 2019

¿Te preocupa que tu negocio se derrumbe sin tu presencia? ¿Sacrificas a tu familia, tus amigos y tu tiempo para mantener tu negocio vivo? ¿Qué pasaría si tu negocio funcionara por sí solo? Si eres como la mayoría de los emprendedores, comenzaste tu negocio para ser tu propio...
Book cover of Clockwork


Design Your Business to Run Itself

by Mike Michalowicz
Language: English
Release Date: August 21, 2018

**Do you worry that your business will collapse without your constant presence? Are you sacrificing your family, friendships, and freedom to keep your business alive? What if instead your business could run itself, freeing you to do what you love when you want, while it continues to grow and turn...
Book cover of 獲利優先:不用懂財報!管好現金,創業第一天就開始賺錢


Profit First: Transform Your Business from a Cash-Eating Monster to a Money-Making Machine

by 麥可‧米卡洛維茲 Mike Michalowicz
Language: Chinese
Release Date: August 1, 2018

影片介紹    ★暢銷書《南瓜計畫》作者最新著作 ★亞馬遜書店超過800位讀者★★★★★5顆星一致好評 ★幫助全球3萬家企業轉虧為盈、提振獲利,斜槓世代必備, 比財務報表更簡單、更符合人性的的資金管理工具   天天衝營收、衝成長,為什麼獲利卻沒有起色?   生意不斷,但為什麼卻經常缺現金支付一張張帳單? 經營績效的關鍵不是成長,而是獲利! 管理好現金才是最重要的事!養出不敗生存力!   你是不是也有這樣的情況:   .傾盡全力拚出不錯的業績,看財務報表都有獲利,但是為什麼真正進入銀行帳戶的現金永遠不夠?   .生意不錯、但要支付的費用也不斷墊高,只好不斷接單衝營收、不管毛利多少、跨入全新的市場也無所謂?   創業導師、暢銷書作家麥可‧米卡洛維茲也曾有相同的經驗,只在乎業績成長,不在乎獲利,結果竟陷入求生存的惡性循環陷阱:   營收增加,但必要費用增加更多→結果獲利更少,只好再拚命工作增加營收。   在這樣的惡性循環下,創業存活的人寥寥可數。 銷貨收入-獲利=費用 才是確保生存的獲利成長公式   麥可‧米卡洛維茲大聲疾呼要大家改變傳統會計思維,放棄導致好像有賺錢幻象的銷貨收入-費用=獲利的傳統會計公式。   他發現傳統的會計公式會讓人只想追求成長,忘了獲利。只要翻轉傳統的公式,就可以讓眼光專注在獲利,而不是成長。   獲利成長公式是真正經營成功的關鍵。將收到的現金先領取一部份的錢當成獲利,剩下的錢才拿來經營,因為用來經營的錢變少了,就會被迫想出更有效率的經營方法,不知不覺,成本就減少了,獲利也增加了,瞬間公司就從一頭吃錢怪獸變成獲利機器。   配合這套資金管理系統,作者發展出簡單實用的工具,幫助你一步一步的改造企業。你會在這本書裡學到:   .2分鐘檢測公司實際的財務狀況。   .不用看財報,只要看銀行帳戶餘額,就了解實際狀況。   .按部就班削減債務,而且還清債務,不會變得一無所有。   .降低經營成本與增加業績的方法,真正幫助公司轉型。   獲利優先系統在全球已經有3萬家企業正在使用,每家企業都因此轉虧為盈、提振獲利,真正享受創業的樂趣與生活品質,而你也做得到。 創業家強力推薦   林明樟/兩岸跨國企業財報講師   謝銘元/iFit...
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