Alain: 287 books

Cover of GMO 101 - A Practical Guide
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: September 2, 2014

Dear Chef Alain. Thank you for caring and having the initiative of creating a book that will help bring much needed information about GMOs. This amazing book, will help us all live healthier lives, while also caring for the environment. Thank you for thinking ahead and caring not only for our...
Cover of Food & Your Health - Essays & Recipes
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: November 24, 2015

"This first Food & Your Health collection is a gathering of blog posts I have originally published exclusively for my followers. It offers you a wide review of subjects related to my passion, Food as Medicine. As a professional chef, teacher & culinary nutritionist, I use food as a way...
Cover of GMO 101: A practical guide
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2015

Have you ever read one of those really scary books? The kind that keeps you up at night but you just… can’t… stop… reading it? This could be one of those books. After reading this book you will have no questions as to what a GMO is, where they can be found, and why you shouldn’t eat them...
Cover of GMOs in your Food?: Essays & Recipes
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: August 11, 2015

What a wonderful resource, Chef Alain Braux has created for us! In his 5th book on food and health, Alain Braux explores the dark sides of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) in our environment. He reviews how GMOs came to be and then became a major force in our current agricultural and industrial...
Cover of How to Lower Your Cholesterol with French Gourmet Food
by Chef Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: August 8, 2009

“In this day and age when we see so much obesity, caused by the convenience foods found in the supermarkets and the fast food outlets, I think this book should be a must for every youngster (start young, maybe they will see the light). Chef Alain Braux shows us that even things we thought were ok,...
Cover of Actualizing Evolutionary Co-Leadership: To Evolve a Creative and Responsible Society
by Alain Gauthier
Language: English
Release Date: September 14, 2013

The book's theme is that evolutionary co-leadership is needed now to catalyze the emergence of a truly generative and wholesome society. A society where everyone is invited and supported to become a conscious, co-responsible co-creator – developing and expressing their unique gifts, while contributing...
Cover of Healthy French Cuisine for Less Than $10/Day
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: September 24, 2011

“Chef Braux supplies us with a wealth of accessible dietary information that can be easily incorporated into everyday life. He gives us recipes and health tips giving the maximum nutrients for the minimum cost. Not only do the foods help you achieve an energetic lifestyle, they are inexpensive and...
Cover of Paleo French Cuisine
by Chef Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: February 24, 2013

Chef Braux has done it again - another original, intelligent, and delicious cookbook - this time filled with Paleo Diet recipes that we haven't seen or tasted before. These original Paleo recipes are filled with unusual flavors, variety, and nutrient density that anybody can enjoy. I look forward...
Cover of De vous à moi

De vous à moi

Le bonheur d'être français

by Alain Juppé
Language: French
Release Date: September 9, 2016

Avec De vous à moi, Alain Juppé signe un ouvrage personnel, à la suite de ses trois livres programmatiques publiés en 2015-2016 : Mes Chemins pour l'école, Pour un Etat fort, et Cinq ans pour l'emploi. De vous à moi est un message d'Alain Juppé aux Français sur sa vie, ses valeurs...
Cover of Ça chauffe à Roscoff

Ça chauffe à Roscoff

Les enquêtes du commissaire Morand - Tome 1

by Alain Couprie
Language: French
Release Date: October 10, 2016

Accidents ou crimes ? Une ambiance angoissante s'abat sur Roscoff... Un curiste en thalasso décède brutalement. Son identité et ses activités s'avérant mystérieuses, sa mort devient vite suspecte. Puis s'enchaînent des événements qui viennent perturber la quiétude de Roscoff : disparition...
Cover of La mutilée de Saint-Renan

La mutilée de Saint-Renan

Les enquêtes du commissaire Morand - Tome 3

by Alain Couprie
Language: French
Release Date: June 2, 2017

Jeune, intelligente, belle, elle avait tout pour être… assassinée ! Sauvagement mutilée. À vomir. Par qui ? Pourquoi ? Le jeune inspecteur Yves de Kermadec enquête, entre maladresses, craintes et étonnements. Parmi ses suspects figurent de distingués professeurs d’université, un...
Cover of Pas d'oignons pour le Léon

Pas d'oignons pour le Léon

Les enquêtes du commissaire Morand - Tome 2

by Alain Couprie
Language: French
Release Date: March 3, 2017

Une étrange malédiction s'abat sur le Léon... Les oignons roses, les “Johnnies” : le patrimoine et l’histoire de Roscoff. Mais oignons de Roscoff et primeurs du Léon, tout, soudain, pourrit sur pied. Comme si la terre, révoltée, refusait désormais de produire ! “L’accident...
Cover of Drague folle à Lannion

Drague folle à Lannion

Les enquêtes du commissaire Morand - Tome 4

by Alain Couprie
Language: French
Release Date: June 28, 2016

Entre vie personnelle et enquêtes sur des meurtres en série sordides, André Morand ne sait plus où donner de la tête... Un décapité, un éviscéré, un émasculé : quel tueur en série s’acharne avec autant de violence sur ses victimes ? Un déséquilibré peut-être, un fou sûrement...
Cover of How to Lower your Cholesterol with French Gourmet Food. A practical guide
by Alain Braux
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2010

The secret to living... truly living and not just existing starts with us. We are what we eat....if we want optimum health, body and mind. It is a choice. Despite the steady growth of healthcare professions, we, as a society continue to become more ill due to over processed and bioengineered foods yet the answer is so simple. So basic. The answers are given in this book by Chef Alain Braux.
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