Ali: 378 books

Cover of The Slithering Shadow - Conan the Barbarian
by Robert E. Howard
Language: English
Release Date: January 12, 2018

Conan and Natala are the sole survivors of Prince Almuric's army which swept through the Lands of Shem and the outlands of Stygia. Conan cut his way clear and fled on a camel with Natala into the southern desert. For days they pushed on, seeking water, until their camel died...
Cover of Le più belle poesie d'amore
by Autori vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: June 4, 2018

Abbiamo raccolto per voi le più belle poesie d’amore di tutti i tempi. Senza temere confine e lasciandoci guidare dal cuore, abbiamo affrontato il vasto oceano della parola scoprendovi meraviglie cullate dalle onde, tesori a lungo perduti sul fondo del mare, infine isole lussureggianti che emergono...
Cover of Babbo Natale da ridere
by Autori vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 26, 2018

Quale migliore modo per trascorrere il Natale in lietezza, se non giocando e divertendovi con i vostri bambini? Magari seduti tutt'intorno al camino o all'Albero di Natale a snocciolare aneddoti buffi e tutti da ridere sul rubicondo vecchietto che da sempre dona gioia e regali ai bambini di tutto...
Cover of La Befana vien di notte... storia e filastrocche della tradizione
by Autori vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 27, 2017

La storia, le origini e le filastrocche della tradizione in questo volume essenziale sulla Befana, la megera più dolce e amata d’Italia.
Cover of Le migliori filastrocche e poesie dell'estate
by Autori vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: July 6, 2018

È finalmente estate: tempo di vacanza, di staccare dalla routine del lavoro e della scuola per trascorrere giorni felici con le persone care e godersi un po’ di meritato riposo. Ad allietare la vostra estate ci saranno anche loro: le migliori filastrocche e poesie dell’estate. Da leggere per...
Cover of A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale!

A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale!

filastrocche della tradizione

by Autori vari
Language: Italian
Release Date: January 15, 2018

A Carnevale ogni scherzo vale! Chi non conosce questo motto, e quanti altri ne esistono sulla festa più colorata e mattacchiona d’Italia? Abbiamo cercato per voi le filastrocche della tradizione, scoprendo un tesoro di rime, giochi, scherzi e colori che insieme compongono un ricco mosaico del nostro...
Cover of A Tale for Halloween
by Loretta Ellen Brady
Language: English
Release Date: March 2, 2018

A Tale For Halloween by Loretta Ellen Brady is the perfect way for young children to cherish the magic of Halloween. Dancing pumpkins, vegetables, good luck witches... enjoy this great Halloween classic with your children.
Cover of Prettiest Man Alive
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

The Prettiest Man Alive was accused and exonerated due to the facts of being The Prettiest Man Alive!
Cover of Letter To Dr. Blyden
Language: English
Release Date: October 24, 2017

A letter to Dr. Blyden concerning Christianity, Islam and the African Race in the 19th Century.  An accurate, analytical, eye witness account of the African Race and religion.
Cover of Southern Italy from 1830 to 1946
by Antonio Ciano
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2018

Data in hand, an essential and precise chronology of the events that marked the history of Southern Italy from 1830 to 1946. An essential volume to understand the evils that are at the root of the disadvantaged economic situation of southern Italy and that reverses the dogmas of official historiography.
Cover of Ursula's Quest

Ursula's Quest

Book Two

by Tracey Alley
Language: English
Release Date: July 16, 2012

  Locked in his dank, underground cell King Erich is feverish and dying. Running out of time and running out of hope he sends his daughter, the beautiful Princess Ursula, on a seemingly impossible quest. She must find the lost and ruined Temple of Life and secure the key that may mean...
Cover of Slade's Destiny

Slade's Destiny

Book Three

by Tracey Alley
Language: English
Release Date: July 17, 2012

  It is Slade's Destiny to somehow save all of Kaynos from complete, total destruction. He doesn't know how or why but he must find out because time is running out. The war has begun and Lord Michael leads out his vastly outnumbered army to face an enemy that is lethal and possesses...
Cover of The Scarlet Citadel - Conan the Barbarian
by Robert E. Howard
Language: English
Release Date: January 9, 2018

"The Scarlet Citadel" is one of the original stories starring hero Conan the Cimmerian. In this story, Conan is captured through treachery and locked in an eldritch dungeon...
Cover of Robert G. Ferris
Language: English
Release Date: June 20, 2019

Most people know the importance of the Declaration of Independence, but few know much about its signers. This reprint of an 1848 original provides a brief biography on each of the fifty-six signers of the Declaration. Learn the virtues of these venerated Americans who helped create the most stable and enviable nation in the world.
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