Babelcube Inc: 2355 books

Cover of Una Bellezza Complicata
by K.L. Middleton
Language: Italian
Release Date: December 24, 2018

Sinclair Jeffries pensava di sapere in che cosa si stava cacciando dopo aver accettato di interpretare la finta fidanzata dal suo amico gay per un fine settimana a Huntington Beach. Quando però incontra il fratello maggiore del suo amico ne è subito attratta. Le cose iniziano a scaldarsi tra i due e niente va secondo i piani. 
Cover of THE BOSS - L'Assistente del Capo

THE BOSS - L'Assistente del Capo

L'Assistente del Capo

by Lexy Timms
Language: Italian
Release Date: November 14, 2018

Dall’autrice di best-seller, Lexy Timms, ecco una storia che vi farà innamorare.   Jamie Connors ha perso le speranze negli uomini. Nonostante sia intelligente, bella, e leggermente sovrappeso, è una calamita per gli uomini con difficoltà a impegnarsi. Il matrimonio di sua sorella...
Cover of Il Buddismo per principianti. Come raggiungere l'Illuminazione attraverso sette semplici step.
by The Blokehead
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2016

Il Buddismo in parole semplici - La tua vita cambierà veramente Ti senti stressato e sopraffatto dalla quotidianità? Vorresti raggiungere una nuova consapevolezza e sentirti finalmente in pace? Ecco la soluzione: il Buddismo per principianti; i sette semplici passaggi che conducono all'Illuminazione....
Cover of Oratory Manual
by Miguel D'Addario
Language: English
Release Date: July 11, 2018

This is a practical and well documented Manual on the art of Oratory. It contains practical exercises to master the art of public speaking, while also lending it a historical background from the Greeks to our present era. The mixture of theory and practice makes it a worthy read for everyone who...
Cover of Les arbres qui ont oublié leurs noms
by Enrique Laso
Language: French
Release Date: May 6, 2018

Ethan Bush est de retour dans sa ville, San Francisco, pour prêter main-forte aux services de police. Un tueur en série a assassiné trois petites filles de 10 ans. Son mode opératoire est très étrange : il abandonne toujours ses victimes au pied d’un arbre. UNE AFFAIRE TERRIFIANTE ATTEND...
Cover of Où reposent les âmes ?
by Enrique Laso
Language: French
Release Date: December 10, 2017

Où reposent les âmes ? UNE NOUVELLE AFFAIRE POUR ETHAN BUSH UN ROMAN NOIR QUI REUNIT PLUS DE 900.000 LECTEURS Le lieutenant Jim Worth a obtenu une promotion. Il travaille désormais dans le Département de la Police de Topeka. Désespéré, après cinq mois d’enquête sans...
Cover of Crimes Diaboliques
by Enrique Laso
Language: French
Release Date: July 12, 2017

Dans un comté du Texas, les cadavres de jeunes filles sont découverts. Elles ont été l’objet d’un rituel étrange. Désespéré, l’un des enquêteurs décide de recourir aux services d’un prêtre mexicain réputé pour être le meilleur exorciste de toute l'Amérique : le père Salas. Parallèlement,...
Cover of La Vita Minimalista - Semplifica, Organizza E Riordina Con Il Decluttering
by Joshua Michaels
Language: Italian
Release Date: March 9, 2015

Semplifica la tua vita, riduci lo stress e aumenta la felicità Questo libro presenta lo stile di vita minimalista e ti fornirà le strategie da applicare nella tua realtà. Imparerai non soltanto come semplificare, organizzare ed eliminare il superfluo dal tuo mondo fisico, esterno, ma anche...
Cover of Padre Salas
by Enrique Laso
Language: English
Release Date: January 14, 2018

This is the story of Padre Salas, the most charismatic character from the bestselling novel Hell Calling, which dazzled thousands of readers across the globe, and has recently been adapted for cinema by Luis Endera. In this prequel, we discover what caused Padre Salas’ flight from Mexico, leading...
Cover of L'adolescence en Italie avant l’Euro
by Claudio Ruggeri
Language: French
Release Date: March 8, 2018

Deux amis se rencontrent durant un après-midi d’été, pendant lequel le plus jeune des deux écoute les anecdotes et les récits de l’autre, à propos d’un monde récemment disparu, qui ne pourra plus exister, ce monde où il n’était pas rare d’entendre la phrase "Non ho una Lira*…" *...
Cover of Me, myself and I
by Cristiana Pivari
Language: English
Release Date: April 15, 2016

This collection of short stories won the Elsa Morante prize in 2005. In 2007 it was published again with two reprints. In 2009 the contract with the publishing house expired, so I decided to publish it again for personal reasons; it was my first publication and I wanted to offer it again for those...
Cover of 80 Influential Politicians of the Twentieth Century
by Borja Loma Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: December 21, 2016

Lives of Men and Women Fundamental in the Last Century. Biographies of Hitler, Lenin, Stalin, Churchill, Fidel Castro, Mussolini, Nasser, Nixon, Ché Guevara, Francisco Pi y Margall, José Antonio Primo de Rivera, Condolezza Rice, Serrano Súñer, etc.,etc. 
Cover of The Demon of the Steppes. The Life of Genghis Khan, Mongol Emperor
by Borja Loma Barrie
Language: English
Release Date: May 15, 2017

Historical novel. Biography. Life of Genghis Khan, first emperor of the Mongols. The empire of the Three Kingdoms. Conquest of China. The sack of Samakarand.
Cover of Depuis l'enfer
by Enrique Laso
Language: French
Release Date: October 4, 2016

TERREUR BESTSELLER EBOOK 2016 Description du roman : 'Desde el Infierno' (son titre original en espagnol) a été adapté au cinéma en 2015. Carlos, un cadre supérieur brillant, reçoit la plus tragique des nouvelles : sa  femme et sa fille Laura viennent tout juste de perdre...
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