Tektime: 413 books

Cover of Vittorio Il Barbuto
by Guido Pagliarino
Language: Italian
Release Date: October 7, 2017

New York, tarda serata del 30 marzo 1972: Durante un banchetto politico in vista delle elezioni presidenziali statunitensi, organizzato dal candidato sfidante senatore Donald Montgomery, viene uccisa con arma da fuoco una giovane, ricca signora sua grande elettrice, moglie del ricchissimo Peter White,...
Cover of Il Mostro A Tre Braccia E I Satanassi Di Torino
by Guido Pagliarino
Language: Italian
Release Date: September 28, 2017

Dalla prefazione dell’autore: Avevo scritto questi due racconti lunghi, o romanzi brevi, nel 1994 e nel 1995, di poco anteriormente al sorgere della moda del giallo e poliziesco italiani, lavori basati sulle figure di Vittorio D’Aiazzo, commissario e poi vice questore, e di Ranieri Velli, suo...
Cover of Salire In Alto

Salire In Alto

Silloge Di Poesie E Di Racconti In Versi

by Guido Pagliarino
Language: Italian
Release Date: May 29, 2017

Questo libro, che pubblico direttamente con Tektime, costituisce un riepilogo di quanto scrissi in versi nel corso di decenni e che, almeno per il momento, non ho cestinato. Comprende opere nate fra il 1960 e il 2017 in parte già pubblicate in volume, in parte inedite o sparse. Si divide in due sezioni....
Cover of Searching For Protection
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2018

The challenge is launched. Alone in the Dark Forest ,The little dreamer looking for adapt. There is much to learn and evolve. It seems to be a lonely path. But you never know where does the surprise. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Climbing The Mountain
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 23, 2018

A dream despaired leads a young man to risk a venture. Simply, the sacred mountain is his last hope of success. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Situación Conflictiva
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: November 10, 2018

Una familia llena de vicios, miseria y desesperación. ¿Qué puede hacer un joven en esta situación? Bueno, hay un momento en la vida en el que hay que tomar decisiones firmes, aunque las consecuencias sean desastrosas. Una familia llena de vicios, miseria y desesperación. ¿Qué puede hacer un...
Cover of The Story Of Noah
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2018

It is decreed the end of humanity because of the countless sins committed. However, there is one of them that pleases God. It is by this servant that the world remains showing the essence of justice and mercy of the creator. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of 该隐和亚伯的故事



by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Chinese
Release Date: May 19, 2019

这是一个关于二元性的反身故事。有必要在自由意志,我们的选择及它们的后果之间的关系中定位我们自己。只有这样,我们才能达到完全的成功和幸福。让我们阅读这部灵感来自于圣经故事的图形小说,接受启迪并成为更好的人。 PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of The Story Of Cain And Abel
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2018

This is a reflexive tale about duality. It is necessary to position ourselves in relation to free will, our choices and their consequences. Only in this way will we be able to achieve full success and happiness. Come to be inspired and become a better human being reading this graphic novel inspired by the biblical tale. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Wartość Rzeczy
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Polish
Release Date: April 6, 2019

Satyra o codziennym życiu. Refleksja na temat wartości i osobistych relacji między jednostkami. Jak żyć w obecnej rzeczywistości? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Our Lady Of The Snows
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: April 29, 2019

In difficult decisions, the virgin Mary enlightens her faithful. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Situație Conflictuală
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Romanian
Release Date: July 21, 2018

O familie plină de vicii, nefericire și disperare. Ce poate face un tânăr în această situație? Ei bine, vine o vreme în viață când trebuie să luăm decizii radicale, chiar dacă ne-ar aduce consecințe dezastruoase. O familie plină de vicii, nefericire și disperare. Ce poate face un...
Cover of Valoarea Lucrurilor
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Romanian
Release Date: July 20, 2018

O satiră a vieții de zi cu zi. O analiză a valorilor și a relațiile interpersonale. Cum să te comporți în realitatea actuală? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of The Value Of Things
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2018

Satire on everyday life. A reflection on the value and personal relationships between individuals. How to act in front of current reality? PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
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