Tektime: 413 books

Cover of Ties That Bind
by Amy Blankenship
Language: English
Release Date: June 9, 2017

Sanctuary is a vast and secluded vacation spot hidden away on the top of its own private mountain. Angel Hart grew up in the family owned resort always protected from the real world. Surround by the three men she adored the most until her parent’s divorce took her far away from them, Angel led a...
Cover of Tainted Blood (Blood Bound Book 7)
by Amy Blankenship
Language: English
Release Date: June 28, 2017

Making a deal with a demon is binding, even if you don’t know the person is a demon. Using that to his advantage, Zachary broke the sacred rule and deliberately offered Tiara a deal. He would become her only lover until she found a true mate… which he intended on her never finding. Sealing the...
Cover of Addictive Blood (Blood Bound Book 11)
by Amy Blankenship
Language: English
Release Date: July 8, 2017

Michael finds that sometimes the blood of powerful immortals do not mix even when they are soul mates and in the heat of passion. A mating mark is a symbol of possession but for Michael that tiny taste of blood is his downfall. The blood of the Fallen is deceptively seductive to a Sun God and the...
Cover of O Lumină În Inima Tenebrelor

O Lumină În Inima Tenebrelor

Gardianul Inimii De Cristal Cartea Patru

by Amy Blankenship
Language: Romanian
Release Date: March 20, 2018

Pentru Kyoko, creaturile mitice sunt ceva ce închiriați și vizionați într-o sâmbătă noapte împreună cu prietenii. Când un urmăritor misterios transformă umbrele din jurul lui în colțuri întunecate cu margini ascuțite, se va putea ascunde de trecut? Întunericul a căzut din nou peste...
Cover of La Posesión De Un Guardián

La Posesión De Un Guardián

El Corazón De Cristal Del Guardián Libro 5

by Amy Blankenship, Rk Melton
Language: Spanish
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Kyoko se encuentra en medio de la eterna guerra entre los poderosos guardianes y el guardián definitivo que se ha convertido en el enemigo... un señor demonio que tiene el poder de destruir a todos ellos. Los secretos se mantienen y los verdadero corazones quedan ocultos debajo de las capas de hielo...
Cover of Cuentos Del Vidente
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 13, 2018

Cuentos del Vidente es una colección de las mejores historias publicadas por el vidente. El objetivo es reunir en un texto la ayuda necesaria para un análisis de la vida y una reposición positiva incluso ante el fracaso de las víctimas. Esta colección es inspiradora y no se puede perder por un...
Cover of Parábolas Del Reino Y La Sabiduría
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 19, 2018

Colección de pequeñas historias relacionadas con los temas del reino y la sabiduría, con el objetivo de que el lector analice y reflexione sobre las mejores opciones de vida. Son ejemplos prácticos y muy útiles todos los días. El libro está dirigido especialmente a aquellos que no han encontrado...
Cover of Soy El Fruto De La Tierra
by Aldivan Teixeira Torres
Language: Spanish
Release Date: June 12, 2018

”Yo soy el Fruto de la Tierra” viene a presentar como telón de fondo la cultura indígena tan olvidada por la mayoría de los Tupiniquins. Es un viaje de conocimiento y liberación. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Intersection With Nibiru

Intersection With Nibiru

The Adventures Of Azakis And Petri

by Danilo Clementoni
Language: English
Release Date: October 23, 2017

VOLUME 2/3 A catastrophe of biblical proportions is about to befall our planet. But this time the terrestrials are not alone. Some of the inhabitants of the planet Nibiru are standing by them, risking their own lives, to try to oppose the terrible forces of nature that are about to be unleashed. In...
Cover of Doubts From The Past
by Antonio De Vito
Language: English
Release Date: March 21, 2017

Two youths, Sam and Stacie, live College years in full symbiosis. Year in and year out, circumstances and ambitions change. The two main characters separate and live two parallel lives. After some time, coincidentally, their fates will cross again but the background is no longer the carefree time of the College. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Minnie's Tales
by Maria Gabriella Zampini
Language: English
Release Date: February 20, 2017

EIGHT FAIRY TALES WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY ME A long, long time ago, in a town not a million miles from here, there was a rather grown-up little girl who just couldn't get enough of....fairy tales. And so begins my own favourite fairy tale, all about (you've guessed it!) fairy tales. I wrote them...
Cover of Ciberpsicología


Relación Entre Mente E Internet

by Juan Moisés De La Serna
Language: Spanish
Release Date: April 12, 2018

En este libro se aborda la nueva rama denominada la CiberPisoclogía, que estudia cómo se ha producido un cambio en la relación persona-tecnología, analizando cómo afectan los nuevos desarrollos al día a día de la persona, así como a la salud mental de sus usuarios. Todo ello avalado por una...
Cover of Aproximación A La Neuropsicología
by Juan Moisés De La Serna
Language: Spanish
Release Date: August 28, 2018

Hablar de neuropsicología es hacerlo de una de la ramas que más han crecido en los últimos años, ya que se nutre de los avances tanto de la psicología como de la neurociencia. PUBLISHER: TEKTIME
Cover of Fundamentos De La Psicología Clínica
by Juan Moisés De La Serna
Language: Spanish
Release Date: May 13, 2018

La Psicología Clínica es una de las salidas profesionales más elegidas por los profesionales que estudian la carrera de Psicología, en donde se dedican a la atención psicológicas de las personas muestren o no psicopatologías. Igualmente la psicología clínica es la más conocida por el gran...
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