Uitgeverij Thema: 52 books

Cover of Laat los

Laat los

ruimte voor alles wat je denkt en voelt

by Gijs Jansen
Language: Dutch
Release Date: December 19, 2015

Is het jou ook opgevallen? De laatste tijd struikel je over populaire ideeën over de kracht van het positief denken, de een nog miraculeuzer dan de andere. Al deze theorieën zijn het stellig eens over één ding: met je gedachten kun je je realiteit scheppen, hoe fantastisch je die ook verzonnen...
Cover of HOE-BOEK voor de coach

HOE-BOEK voor de coach

tips, modellen en vragen voor werkgerelateerde, individuele coaching

by Joost Crasborn, Ellis Buis
Language: Dutch
Release Date: March 9, 2010

Elke coach wil mensen in beweging krijgen. Hij wil ze in staat stellen met meer kracht en vertrouwen een eigen koers uit te zetten. Daarvoor kan hij een scala aan methoden en technieken gebruiken. Maar soms zou je als coach (nóg) beter willen weten hoe je een specifieke interventie inzet. Dat staat...
Cover of Beren op de weg, spinsels in je hoofd
by Theo IJzermans, Coen Dirkx
Language: Dutch
Release Date: August 30, 2012

Piekeren over problemen, ergernissen, gevoelens van onmacht en onrecht. Veel mensen hebben dagelijks te maken met deze bronnen van spanning en onrust. Vaak leggen zij de oorzaak ervan bij de situatie zelf. `Het ligt niet aan ons, denken ze. Dat maakt werken uitputtend in plaats van prettig. Beter...
Cover of Dit ben ik!

Dit ben ik!

worden wie je bent met transactionele analyse

by Lieuwe Koopmans
Language: Dutch
Release Date: September 2, 2013

We leven in een maatschappij waarin we denken dat levensgeluk maakbaar is. Op televisie kijken we naar programmas over total make-overs en diëten, over opvoeden en financiële problemen. We hopen dat de experts van die programmas onze problemen voor ons oplossen en dat we dan gelukkig worden. Op...
Cover of Ik (k)en mijn ikken
by Karin Brugman, Berry Collewijn, Judith Budde
Language: Dutch
Release Date: January 10, 2011

Ontdek andere kanten van jezelf met Voice Dialogue - Voor iedereen die zichzelf écht wil leren kennen - Hét handboek over Voice Dialogue, geschreven door de experts op dit gebied - Met veel herkenbare voorbeelden, dialogen en cartoons In Ik (k)en mijn ikken nodigen de auteurs je uit eens op een...
Cover of Tips and tools for managers
by Jolanda Bouman
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2015

So much is expected of managers; supervising the staff, running the department, motivating employees, open communication, delegating tasks, finding creative solutions, providing and processing feedback, creating budgets, reaching targets. Who couldnt use help with all this? Whether you are just starting...
Cover of The client always has the right of way

The client always has the right of way

traffic rules for client-oriented thinking and working

by Ammy Kuiper, Heusden-Zolder Elan Languages
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2010

Ask anyone how they deal with clients and they will say: The client is king. But how do you deal with this king in practice? Because, as well as being king, clients always have the right of way. But do you know the Highway Code that relates to clients? Are you actually working in a client-oriented...
Cover of Entrepreneurial leadership
by Frans Bouman, Marieta Koopmans
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2010

Entrepreneurship is a latent skill present in a lot of people. Just look at how enterprising people are in their spare time, without being asked or paid for it! Organisations should do more to encourage entrepreneurship amongst their people. Because if people are inspired by something, they will often...
Cover of Result-oriented management
by Jan Schouten, Wim van Beers
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2010

Obtaining maximum results by ensuring clear agreements between managers and employees. This is what result-oriented management (ROM) is about. It is a management style that is particularly successful. ROM is based on the fact that people get more enjoyment from their work and obtain better results...
Cover of Am I making myself clear?

Am I making myself clear?

communication tips

by Marieta Koopmans
Language: English
Release Date: December 19, 2015

This book consists fifteen checklists about all different aspects of communication. From misunderstandings in communications to how to communicate bad news and the significance of body language to dealing with complaints and reproaches. Handy to take with you anywhere and always at the ready if you...
Cover of People and Projects

People and Projects

behaviour Skills and Team Roles in Project Management

by Nicole Bremer-Ammann
Language: English
Release Date: November 3, 2010

The instrumental aspects of project management are important of course. But instrumental aspects alone will not guarantee success. Projects are always carried out by people and it is precisely the behaviour of people that will in many instances define the success of a project. The author goes into...
Cover of The stumbling blocks of the mind

The stumbling blocks of the mind

dealing with emotions in the workplace: Rational Effectiveness Training

by Theo IJzermans, Coen Dirkx
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2010

Where there are people, there are emotions. This includes the workplace. This book is all about Rational Effectiveness Training (RET), a popular and practical method that teaches how to better deal with work situations that cause stress, poor social contact and irritation. Anxiety and stress are only...
Cover of Improving teams
by Jan Schouten, Anke Baak, Wiebe Kamminga
Language: English
Release Date: June 24, 2010

There are many reasons why things go wrong in the way teams work together. With this book you learn to what degree certain factors can influence the way your team operates. The starting point for a lot of the questions and assignments is always your team. You will be confronted with questions such...
Cover of How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?

How can I turn a mountain back into a molehill?

rational effectiveness training for advanced students

by Roderik Bender, Theo IJzermans
Language: English
Release Date: May 17, 2010

How Can I Turn a Mountain Back into a Molehill? Rational Effectiveness Training for Advanced Students The enormous success of The Stumbling Blocks of the Mind makes one thing eminently clear: there is a great need for a method to improve the way that we deal with certain work situations that cause...
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