University Of Chicago Press: 2654 books

Cover of Write No Matter What

Write No Matter What

Advice for Academics

by Joli Jensen
Language: English
Release Date: April 28, 2017

With growing academic responsibilities, family commitments, and inboxes, scholars are struggling to fulfill their writing goals. A finished book—or even steady journal articles—may seem like an impossible dream. But, as Joli Jensen proves, it really is possible to write happily and productively...
Cover of Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 29
Language: English
Release Date: January 20, 2016

The papers in Volume 29 of Tax Policy and the Economy illustrate the depth and breadth of the taxation-related research by NBER research associates, both in terms of methodological approach and in terms of topics.  In the first paper, former NBER President Martin Feldstein estimates how much revenue...
Cover of Tax Policy and the Economy
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2018

The six research studies in Volume 32 of Tax Policy and the Economy analyze the U.S. tax and transfer system, in particular its effects on revenues, expenditures, and economic behavior. First, James Andreoni examines donor advised funds, which are financial vehicles offered by investment houses to...
Cover of Measuring Capital in the New Economy
Language: English
Release Date: February 15, 2009

As the accelerated technological advances of the past two decades continue to reshape the United States' economy, intangible assets and high-technology investments are taking larger roles. These developments have raised a number of concerns, such as: how do we measure intangible assets? Are we accurately...
Cover of Antitrust Law, Second Edition
by Richard A. Posner
Language: English
Release Date: April 22, 2009

When it was first published a quarter of a century ago, Richard Posner's exposition and defense of an economic approach to antitrust law was a jeremiad against the intellectual disarray that then characterized the field. As other perspectives on antitrust law have fallen away, Posner's book has played...
Cover of Innovation Policy and the Economy, 2017
Language: English
Release Date: February 22, 2018

The eighteenth annual volume of the National Bureau of Economic Research’s Innovation Policy and the Economy focuses on research that explores the interplay between new technologies and organizational structures, such as networks and corporations. In the first chapter, Glenn Ellison and Sara Fisher...
Cover of NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2014
Language: English
Release Date: June 2, 2015

The twenty-ninth edition of the NBER Macroeconomics Annual continues its tradition of featuring theoretical and empirical research on central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. Two papers in this year’s issue deal with recent economic performance: one analyzes the evolution of aggregate productivity...
Cover of NBER Macroeconomics Annual 2013
Language: English
Release Date: May 22, 2014

The twenty-eighth edition of the NBER Macroeconomics Annual continues its tradition of featuring theoretical and empirical research on central issues in contemporary macroeconomics. As in previous years, this volume not only addresses recent developments in macroeconomics, but also takes up important...
Cover of The Business of Being a Writer
by Jane Friedman
Language: English
Release Date: March 16, 2018

Writers talk about their work in many ways: as an art, as a calling, as a lifestyle. Too often missing from these conversations is the fact that writing is also a business. The reality is, those who want to make a full- or part-time job out of writing are going to have a more positive and productive...
Cover of Disciplining the Poor

Disciplining the Poor

Neoliberal Paternalism and the Persistent Power of Race

by Joe Soss, Richard C. Fording, Sanford F. Schram
Language: English
Release Date: October 20, 2011

Disciplining the Poor explains the transformation of poverty governance over the past forty years—why it happened, how it works today, and how it affects people. In the process, it clarifies the central role of race in this transformation and develops a more precise account of how race shapes poverty...
Cover of When Middle-Class Parents Choose Urban Schools

When Middle-Class Parents Choose Urban Schools

Class, Race, and the Challenge of Equity in Public Education

by Linn Posey-Maddox
Language: English
Release Date: March 18, 2014

In recent decades a growing number of middle-class parents have considered sending their children to—and often end up becoming active in—urban public schools. Their presence can bring long-needed material resources to such schools, but, as Linn Posey-Maddox shows in this study, it can also introduce...
Cover of SuperVision


An Introduction to the Surveillance Society

by John Gilliom, Torin Monahan
Language: English
Release Date: November 20, 2012

We live in a surveillance society. Anyone who uses a credit card, cell phone, or even search engines to navigate the Web is being monitored and assessed—and often in ways that are imperceptible to us. The first general introduction to the growing field of surveillance studies, SuperVision uses examples...
Cover of Learning to Love Form 1040

Learning to Love Form 1040

Two Cheers for the Return-Based Mass Income Tax

by Lawrence Zelenak
Language: English
Release Date: March 29, 2013

No one likes paying taxes, much less the process of filing tax returns. For years, would-be reformers have advocated replacing the return-based mass income tax with a flat tax, federal sales tax, or some combination thereof. Congress itself has commissioned studies on the feasibility of a system of...
Cover of Tax Policy and the Economy, Volume 26
Language: English
Release Date: August 1, 2012

There is no question that the US is facing significant fiscal challenges. Tax Policy and the Economy research papers make valuable contributions to our understanding of the economic effects of alternative approaches. The papers collected in Volume 26 include a study of an important determinant of...
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