Set in the drag underworld of Buffalo, the sequel to Of Drag Kings and the Wheel of Fate chronicles the challenges faced by a young drag king and an older woman who share a love “outside the bounds”. If that werent problem enough, an age-old drama from the past haunts the present and may determine their future. The fates are not always kind, and true love does not always triumph -- follow Rosalind, Taryn, family and friends along the harrowing path of Burning Dreams.
Set in the drag underworld of Buffalo, the sequel to Of Drag Kings and the Wheel of Fate chronicles the challenges faced by a young drag king and an older woman who share a love “outside the bounds”. If that werent problem enough, an age-old drama from the past haunts the present and may determine their future. The fates are not always kind, and true love does not always triumph -- follow Rosalind, Taryn, family and friends along the harrowing path of Burning Dreams.