This novel revolves around a young dog that is abandoned in the wild. He learns to fend for himself, making him strong and resourceful, yet gentle and caring. Meanwhile, a young boy struggles to impress his father, who refuses to accept the young man for who he is. The father has a quick temper, which further strains the relationship. The book simultaneously tells the stories of the young mans struggle to win the admiration of his father, while the dog searches for a place he can call home.
This novel revolves around a young dog that is abandoned in the wild. He learns to fend for himself, making him strong and resourceful, yet gentle and caring. Meanwhile, a young boy struggles to impress his father, who refuses to accept the young man for who he is. The father has a quick temper, which further strains the relationship. The book simultaneously tells the stories of the young mans struggle to win the admiration of his father, while the dog searches for a place he can call home.