The Peoples Republic of China, threatened by over-population, turns to mastermind Dr. Yi Huang to develop ALTRAS, a secret intelligence group, commissioned to utilize Social, Political, Strategical and Technological resources to create a plan to resolve the country's problem. This plan, is like no other in the history of war and politics! Dr. Huang's plot will shock the world! It is up to two unlikely groups of heroes to attempt to foil the treachery of China and ALTRAS. ALTRAS is patient and devious. They prey upon political and social weaknesses world-wide. The members of ALTRAS include world renown experts from all technology groups, including social and psychological. They clearly understand probability and statistics. Utilizing their newly created super-computers they have the ability to monitor and manage data to assist them in their plan.
The Peoples Republic of China, threatened by over-population, turns to mastermind Dr. Yi Huang to develop ALTRAS, a secret intelligence group, commissioned to utilize Social, Political, Strategical and Technological resources to create a plan to resolve the country's problem. This plan, is like no other in the history of war and politics! Dr. Huang's plot will shock the world! It is up to two unlikely groups of heroes to attempt to foil the treachery of China and ALTRAS. ALTRAS is patient and devious. They prey upon political and social weaknesses world-wide. The members of ALTRAS include world renown experts from all technology groups, including social and psychological. They clearly understand probability and statistics. Utilizing their newly created super-computers they have the ability to monitor and manage data to assist them in their plan.