This fast-paced mystery and espionage thriller continues the story of April and Annaliese; damaged, but not broken by events no young girl should have knowledge of. They raise themselves to do what is necessary to save themselves, others, and eventually their country, from destruction. The book picks up directly from the last line of Inner Sanctum, and introduces Michael. From the apparent ramblings of this crazy man, the plot coalesces to bring in the Sheriff's department and FBI, who with support of the Secret Service, set up a task force to track the threat nationwide. They discover a terrorist plot to destroy the American system of government, and have to prevent the immanent launch of undetectable, nuclear missiles. The science described in the story is real and documented within the context of the novel. Using a series of bizarre localized disasters, real military science, and a nefarious cabal that links them together, the plot weaves a tale of conspiracy theory made real. It just might come true.
This fast-paced mystery and espionage thriller continues the story of April and Annaliese; damaged, but not broken by events no young girl should have knowledge of. They raise themselves to do what is necessary to save themselves, others, and eventually their country, from destruction. The book picks up directly from the last line of Inner Sanctum, and introduces Michael. From the apparent ramblings of this crazy man, the plot coalesces to bring in the Sheriff's department and FBI, who with support of the Secret Service, set up a task force to track the threat nationwide. They discover a terrorist plot to destroy the American system of government, and have to prevent the immanent launch of undetectable, nuclear missiles. The science described in the story is real and documented within the context of the novel. Using a series of bizarre localized disasters, real military science, and a nefarious cabal that links them together, the plot weaves a tale of conspiracy theory made real. It just might come true.