Spanning twenty years from the early months of the First World War, this tells the story of a naive but well-educated young lady whose sheltered life in a large country house is turned upside down when part of it becomes a military hospital. There she meets a young Canadian medic and the consequences of this relationship change her life completely. Throughout her adventures she is accompanied by her faithful maid Mary Ann, who has the task of making sure she acts like a lady. They seem settled in their new life in Canada, but there's a final shock in store....
Spanning twenty years from the early months of the First World War, this tells the story of a naive but well-educated young lady whose sheltered life in a large country house is turned upside down when part of it becomes a military hospital. There she meets a young Canadian medic and the consequences of this relationship change her life completely. Throughout her adventures she is accompanied by her faithful maid Mary Ann, who has the task of making sure she acts like a lady. They seem settled in their new life in Canada, but there's a final shock in store....