In John 14:12, Jesus makes it very clear that we are fully capable of repeating and surpassing everything he did. He says, "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and in fact, will do greater works than these . . ." Do Greater Things puts in clear and compelling terms exactly who Jesus was and what it means to follow his example. The author offers nine key spiritual practices--vision, faith, prayer gratitude, forgiveness, humility, community, death and service--to help us on our way. As we develop a daily routine around the spiritual practices taught by Jesus, we awaken our own divine qualities and learn what it means to live in Christ Consciousness every day.
In John 14:12, Jesus makes it very clear that we are fully capable of repeating and surpassing everything he did. He says, "Very truly, I tell you, the one who believes in me will also do the works that I do, and in fact, will do greater works than these . . ." Do Greater Things puts in clear and compelling terms exactly who Jesus was and what it means to follow his example. The author offers nine key spiritual practices--vision, faith, prayer gratitude, forgiveness, humility, community, death and service--to help us on our way. As we develop a daily routine around the spiritual practices taught by Jesus, we awaken our own divine qualities and learn what it means to live in Christ Consciousness every day.