This genially sentimental yet hilarious sitcom delighted Broadway with Ron Leibman, Austin Pendelton, John Cullum and Tony Roberts starring as four "muppies" middle aged urban professionals who meet once a week for camaraderie, wisecracks and tennis. Set in the locker room of their tennis club, this is a delightful look at male menopause in all its whimsical glory. -- "Rowdy, appealing and captivating comedy...Wiltse is a nifty writer, dizzy with words and situations...We're whole heartedly with this entertaining bunch from start to finish." - New York Post -- "Serves up volleys of laughs." - WABC TV
This genially sentimental yet hilarious sitcom delighted Broadway with Ron Leibman, Austin Pendelton, John Cullum and Tony Roberts starring as four "muppies" middle aged urban professionals who meet once a week for camaraderie, wisecracks and tennis. Set in the locker room of their tennis club, this is a delightful look at male menopause in all its whimsical glory. -- "Rowdy, appealing and captivating comedy...Wiltse is a nifty writer, dizzy with words and situations...We're whole heartedly with this entertaining bunch from start to finish." - New York Post -- "Serves up volleys of laughs." - WABC TV