The story begins with a narrative of the early lives of the two main characters, jack Riordan and Susan Baker. Jack grows up on a farm in Australia, Susan in New Mexico, USA. Susans father is diagnosed with a terminal condition and decides to use his remaining time to take his family to Australia.
Here, at university, the two meet and fall in love. Jack had always wanted to become an Army officer and joins the University Regiment. In the meantime, Susans father dies and her mother becomes frantic with worry that her daughters will want to marry and remain in Australia. Susan falls pregnant and her mother takes the family back to the US while Jack is away in the army. On his return, he cannot find out where they have gone.
They are separated for three years. During this time their love never wavers, and their daughter, Jacqui is born. Jack is sent to fight in Vietnam, where he is engaged in several key battles and is decorated for his bravery and, by a stroke of good fortune, comes across Susans brother, Jimbo, who eventually tells him what had happened to Susan and their baby. Soon they are re-united and Jack brings his family back to Australia.
The story begins with a narrative of the early lives of the two main characters, jack Riordan and Susan Baker. Jack grows up on a farm in Australia, Susan in New Mexico, USA. Susans father is diagnosed with a terminal condition and decides to use his remaining time to take his family to Australia.
Here, at university, the two meet and fall in love. Jack had always wanted to become an Army officer and joins the University Regiment. In the meantime, Susans father dies and her mother becomes frantic with worry that her daughters will want to marry and remain in Australia. Susan falls pregnant and her mother takes the family back to the US while Jack is away in the army. On his return, he cannot find out where they have gone.
They are separated for three years. During this time their love never wavers, and their daughter, Jacqui is born. Jack is sent to fight in Vietnam, where he is engaged in several key battles and is decorated for his bravery and, by a stroke of good fortune, comes across Susans brother, Jimbo, who eventually tells him what had happened to Susan and their baby. Soon they are re-united and Jack brings his family back to Australia.