With this issue, The Anomalist 14 seeks to provide sudden jolts of illumination to spark the imagination: instant CPR for the head. "This latest Anomalist anthology offers a wide range of short(ish) articles to stimulate the fortean imagination...The most contentious contribution is a piece by Aeolus Kephas exploring the implications of treating anthropologist Carlos Castaneda and alien abductee Whitley Strieber as genuine witnesses of shamanic phenomena, conduits for superior intelligence. This is an intriguing thought experiment, but I still suspect The Teachings of Don Juan and Communion are ingenious fiction rather than travelogues from the Land of Magonia. However, this anthology deserves a place on every forteans bookshelf." Paul Sieveking, Fortean Times
With this issue, The Anomalist 14 seeks to provide sudden jolts of illumination to spark the imagination: instant CPR for the head. "This latest Anomalist anthology offers a wide range of short(ish) articles to stimulate the fortean imagination...The most contentious contribution is a piece by Aeolus Kephas exploring the implications of treating anthropologist Carlos Castaneda and alien abductee Whitley Strieber as genuine witnesses of shamanic phenomena, conduits for superior intelligence. This is an intriguing thought experiment, but I still suspect The Teachings of Don Juan and Communion are ingenious fiction rather than travelogues from the Land of Magonia. However, this anthology deserves a place on every forteans bookshelf." Paul Sieveking, Fortean Times