For a company, applying for a credit limit from banks and raising other financings are always of utmost importance. This Book aims at helping the readers to grasp a better understanding of:
1. Different financing alternatives available, so a company can know what financing alternatives it can choose from;
2. Typical features and restrictions of each form of financing;
3. Legal terms commonly used;
4. Actual practices of banks in reality;
5. What a company needs to watch out for, including fees, structure of a credit facility etc. and
6. How financings can have profound implications on a company's business and financing strategies.
By understanding more clearly features of different forms of financing, as well as the concomitant implications, a company would be in a position to achieve better financial and strategic planning.
The approach used in this Book is very practical, and is written based on the author's many years of banking experiences, approving credit limit, managing a wide array of company types including multinationals, large corporate, second-tier listed companies, SOEs, SMEs etc., as well as borrowers from diverse industries.
The author is also a Chartered Accountant of England & Wales, and a fellow member of ACCA of UK.
This Book would be useful to CFOs, Heads of Accounting, Heads of Finance, accountants etc. of companies, and bankers.
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The PTI Group (PTI) is a consulting, financial services, and e-training group set up by professionals with international working exposures to different countries.
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