This translation and adaptation of "Johannisfeuer" was made by special permission from Herr Sudermann, and is the only authorized English version. ¶ By arrangement with the publishers, Miss Nance O'Neil, who first produced this play in English, as here given, will continue to use Mr. Swickard's adaptation exclusively. FIRES OF ST. JOHN WAS FIRST PRESENTED IN ENGLISH, IN BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, ON JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST, 1904, WITH THE FOLLOWING CAST Mr. Brauer
This translation and adaptation of "Johannisfeuer" was made by special permission from Herr Sudermann, and is the only authorized English version. ¶ By arrangement with the publishers, Miss Nance O'Neil, who first produced this play in English, as here given, will continue to use Mr. Swickard's adaptation exclusively. FIRES OF ST. JOHN WAS FIRST PRESENTED IN ENGLISH, IN BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS, ON JANUARY TWENTY-FIRST, 1904, WITH THE FOLLOWING CAST Mr. Brauer