The arrival of the First Fleet heralded monumental and often catastrophic changes to the lives of the indigenous peoples living between the Blue Mountains and the sea. As British settlement spread out from Sydney Cove the next 28 years saw frequent flare-ups of violence as disputes over precious resources erupted and the Aborigines' connection with the land was challenged. Raids on isolated farms would often be followed by a totally disproportionate reprisal from the military and settlers, but colonists and Aborigines often knew each other well and trust and friendship remained constant throughout periods of bloodshed. This book delves into the background of the people who were involved in some events, tragic and otherwise that occurred up until the end of hostilities in the Sydney Region in 1816. It examines the relationships between the two societies in those early years of the colony.
The arrival of the First Fleet heralded monumental and often catastrophic changes to the lives of the indigenous peoples living between the Blue Mountains and the sea. As British settlement spread out from Sydney Cove the next 28 years saw frequent flare-ups of violence as disputes over precious resources erupted and the Aborigines' connection with the land was challenged. Raids on isolated farms would often be followed by a totally disproportionate reprisal from the military and settlers, but colonists and Aborigines often knew each other well and trust and friendship remained constant throughout periods of bloodshed. This book delves into the background of the people who were involved in some events, tragic and otherwise that occurred up until the end of hostilities in the Sydney Region in 1816. It examines the relationships between the two societies in those early years of the colony.