“ God Created them all” is a collection of fifty five short stories depicting the authors myriad experience spanning 25 years as a doctor, dealing with different personalities in life. Some of the candid moments in the real life of these hapless people are captured truly in these short stories intertwined with the humorous , aberrant frailties of human nature shrouded in uncanny beliefs , rituals and cultural shackles, societal sanctions ; aided and abetted by moral upholders in the society. No doubt, all the characters are creations of GOD trying to make a living in their own way in whatever they are skilled in ,many not understanding nor are aware of the consequences of their actions.Among them the caregivers struggle to live with their loved ones normally in a stigma ridden, supposedly unpredictable sane world. In these short stories, the author has provided simple solutions to complex problems ,making use of their inherent strength and weakness , with the object of providing a chance to lead their lives with self-respect and dignity. The untold supreme sacrifice of these lesser brethrens is a clarion call for all of us to lend a supportive and helping hand to make their lives purposeful and happy in our own small humble way as ‘God would certainly have done if he were in a human form’ as God created them all.
“ God Created them all” is a collection of fifty five short stories depicting the authors myriad experience spanning 25 years as a doctor, dealing with different personalities in life. Some of the candid moments in the real life of these hapless people are captured truly in these short stories intertwined with the humorous , aberrant frailties of human nature shrouded in uncanny beliefs , rituals and cultural shackles, societal sanctions ; aided and abetted by moral upholders in the society. No doubt, all the characters are creations of GOD trying to make a living in their own way in whatever they are skilled in ,many not understanding nor are aware of the consequences of their actions.Among them the caregivers struggle to live with their loved ones normally in a stigma ridden, supposedly unpredictable sane world. In these short stories, the author has provided simple solutions to complex problems ,making use of their inherent strength and weakness , with the object of providing a chance to lead their lives with self-respect and dignity. The untold supreme sacrifice of these lesser brethrens is a clarion call for all of us to lend a supportive and helping hand to make their lives purposeful and happy in our own small humble way as ‘God would certainly have done if he were in a human form’ as God created them all.