God Motivation: Doing All Because of One
Motivations move us every minute of every day, but are they all created equal? If some are pure and others are less so, how do we know if we are being rightly motivated? The phrase, "God motivation" proposes the idea that God Himself ought to be the ultimate reason for any activity of the Christ follower. The God motivated life in its purest form is the completely devoted and totally submitted life. Journey with the author through the concept description and 100 daily devotions from the Scriptures to develop an understanding of what it means to do all because of One.
Motivations move us every minute of every day, but are they all created equal? If some are pure and others are less so, how do we know if we are being rightly motivated? The phrase, "God motivation" proposes the idea that God Himself ought to be the ultimate reason for any activity of the Christ follower. The God motivated life in its purest form is the completely devoted and totally submitted life. Journey with the author through the concept description and 100 daily devotions from the Scriptures to develop an understanding of what it means to do all because of One.