God, Supernatural Beliefs, New Age Lies, Human Nature & Morality (Are We Good, Bad, Divine or Just Blobs of Delusional, Self-Centered Flesh?
Nonfiction, Religion & Spirituality
As a kid I was brought up in the Catholic Church. I thought it was a good thing for society to have religious standards but then I realized I have my own natural, inherent moral code inside of me. Some parts of the Bible contradict each other like the jealous God of the Old Testament who suddenly saw the wrong of His ways and became loving in the New Testament which is kinda funny if God is divinely wise. There are many rules in the Old Testament condemning people to death for trivial transgressions. They accepted slavery as a part of normal life in the Old Testament. Who did Cain and Abel marry if they were the children of the first man and woman on Earth?
As a kid I was brought up in the Catholic Church. I thought it was a good thing for society to have religious standards but then I realized I have my own natural, inherent moral code inside of me. Some parts of the Bible contradict each other like the jealous God of the Old Testament who suddenly saw the wrong of His ways and became loving in the New Testament which is kinda funny if God is divinely wise. There are many rules in the Old Testament condemning people to death for trivial transgressions. They accepted slavery as a part of normal life in the Old Testament. Who did Cain and Abel marry if they were the children of the first man and woman on Earth?