Hannibal Hoops follows the story of a young slave boy born on a plantation in South Carolina. Growing up during the tumultuous years of the American Revolution, his adventures take him from one end of the continent to the other as he strives for safe haven-and freedom. Young Hannibal eventually gets swept up in the Loyalist migration of 1784, settling in the hard and untamed wildernesses of Nova Scotia, and from there he chases his dream of returning to his people's homeland across the ocean, Sierra Leone.
Hannibal Hoops follows the story of a young slave boy born on a plantation in South Carolina. Growing up during the tumultuous years of the American Revolution, his adventures take him from one end of the continent to the other as he strives for safe haven-and freedom. Young Hannibal eventually gets swept up in the Loyalist migration of 1784, settling in the hard and untamed wildernesses of Nova Scotia, and from there he chases his dream of returning to his people's homeland across the ocean, Sierra Leone.