In the stunning novel Hijacking of the American Presidency, a disaffected faction of a major evangelical religious group seeks to put its own man in the White House, allowing it the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on nations believed to be the future enemy of America. To accomplish this, they are willing to assassinate political figures, including the sitting president.Disillusioned and fed up with what they consider the Twiddle-Dum, Twiddle-Dee syndrome of Washington politics, which has led to a never-ending dysfunctionality and the erosion of America’s ethical and moral foundation, this ultra-conservative splinter group has picked the perfect candidate for the White House.The group is prepared to subvert the Constitution of the United States and assassinate anyone in its way to achieve its divine mandate.In a plot that includes the manipulation of the nation’s leading scientists in nano-technology, the subversives plan to deliver time-delayed poisons to those in opposition. Faced with such an unprecedented threat, the religious unit of the Department of Homeland Security Anti-Terrorism Task Force has been called on to thwart the plot.
In the stunning novel Hijacking of the American Presidency, a disaffected faction of a major evangelical religious group seeks to put its own man in the White House, allowing it the ability to launch a preemptive nuclear strike on nations believed to be the future enemy of America. To accomplish this, they are willing to assassinate political figures, including the sitting president.Disillusioned and fed up with what they consider the Twiddle-Dum, Twiddle-Dee syndrome of Washington politics, which has led to a never-ending dysfunctionality and the erosion of America’s ethical and moral foundation, this ultra-conservative splinter group has picked the perfect candidate for the White House.The group is prepared to subvert the Constitution of the United States and assassinate anyone in its way to achieve its divine mandate.In a plot that includes the manipulation of the nation’s leading scientists in nano-technology, the subversives plan to deliver time-delayed poisons to those in opposition. Faced with such an unprecedented threat, the religious unit of the Department of Homeland Security Anti-Terrorism Task Force has been called on to thwart the plot.