The incredible tale of a young woman who requires pain. Angie is an entrenched Sado-masochist. Her every move is directed toward punishment and sado-erotic acts. She is at first content with spanking and mildly arousing sex games. But her need "snowballs" until she places her very life in danger at the hands of a thoroughly vicious sadist. And her sexual activities become increasingly bizarre. Why must this woman play with pain? Dr. Klow believes that her story will aid in understanding Angie--and those like her.
The incredible tale of a young woman who requires pain. Angie is an entrenched Sado-masochist. Her every move is directed toward punishment and sado-erotic acts. She is at first content with spanking and mildly arousing sex games. But her need "snowballs" until she places her very life in danger at the hands of a thoroughly vicious sadist. And her sexual activities become increasingly bizarre. Why must this woman play with pain? Dr. Klow believes that her story will aid in understanding Angie--and those like her.