Explores the once-secret Jewish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah. With intriguing new perspectives, this work shows how we can use Kabbalah's extraordinary revelations about the creation of the universe, our relationship to God and our purpose in life to unlock our own spiritual power. This engaging look at a timeless tradition brings to life the path of the Jewish mystics--their joys and ecstasies, their sacred visions and their practical techniques for experiencing the sacred in everyday life.
Explores the once-secret Jewish mystical tradition known as Kabbalah. With intriguing new perspectives, this work shows how we can use Kabbalah's extraordinary revelations about the creation of the universe, our relationship to God and our purpose in life to unlock our own spiritual power. This engaging look at a timeless tradition brings to life the path of the Jewish mystics--their joys and ecstasies, their sacred visions and their practical techniques for experiencing the sacred in everyday life.