All you need to know about the Season of Christmas - an entertaining Question-and-Answer Guide with over 700 illustrations: The forgotten Seasons of Christmas - the 40 days, the 20 days, the 12 (or is it 13?) days; Christmas and War; Christmas and the Movies; Christmas and the Industrial Revolution - the force that almost killed it; Christmas and Religion - when and where was it made illegal to celebrate Christmas?; Christmas food - Brawn, Boar's head, Plum pudding, etc., and Christmas drink - from Wassail to the Tom and Jerry.
All you need to know about the Season of Christmas - an entertaining Question-and-Answer Guide with over 700 illustrations: The forgotten Seasons of Christmas - the 40 days, the 20 days, the 12 (or is it 13?) days; Christmas and War; Christmas and the Movies; Christmas and the Industrial Revolution - the force that almost killed it; Christmas and Religion - when and where was it made illegal to celebrate Christmas?; Christmas food - Brawn, Boar's head, Plum pudding, etc., and Christmas drink - from Wassail to the Tom and Jerry.