This story explores my mother’s first cousin three times removed, Ira “Bad Ira” Mullins and the Pound Gap Massacre. This story was handed down to my mother who enlightened me, as I have done with my children. My mother would passionately share this story when I was a young boy. She wrote many other stories and poems that I plan to share with you all at a later date. This story is one of the wildest stories ever told to me as well as one of my absolute favorites. I hope you are entertained as much as I have been over the years. The Mullins families were early settlers to Letcher County, Kentucky, Wise County, Virginia, and parts of southern West Virginia.
This story explores my mother’s first cousin three times removed, Ira “Bad Ira” Mullins and the Pound Gap Massacre. This story was handed down to my mother who enlightened me, as I have done with my children. My mother would passionately share this story when I was a young boy. She wrote many other stories and poems that I plan to share with you all at a later date. This story is one of the wildest stories ever told to me as well as one of my absolute favorites. I hope you are entertained as much as I have been over the years. The Mullins families were early settlers to Letcher County, Kentucky, Wise County, Virginia, and parts of southern West Virginia.