Many women in this age of women's liberation want to work, primarily as a means of relieving boredom in their lives. Such was the case of Laura E., whose active mind was becoming increasingly stifled by the drudgery of staying home and doing housework with only the minimal relief from those stationary chores. Her husband Steve, concerned about the boredom pattern that was setting in, purchased his lovely wife a pet, a beautiful German shepherd named Henry who served as a marvelous companion as well as a skilled watchdog whenever her husband was away. But the pattern of boredom continued. Laura needed more than a pet dog to terminate the drudgery from her life. Finally Laura broke down and experimented sexually with a man. She told herself that it was just one of those things and was not likely to happen again. But it did! And with a number of quick successors, all of whom were willing to supply this lovely and often lonesome lass with everything they could in the way of sexual adventure. Once she found that she had no difficulty turning on with any number of men, she almost proceeded to cross another crucial sex line, this time into the field of lesbian activity, stopping just in time. Soon her sex appetites began to spin out of control as she enjoyed sex with ever larger numbers of people. Our story reveals, how dangerous dabbling into various strange sexual pathways can be, for one never truly knows, often until it is too late, where or how far the path will lead.
Many women in this age of women's liberation want to work, primarily as a means of relieving boredom in their lives. Such was the case of Laura E., whose active mind was becoming increasingly stifled by the drudgery of staying home and doing housework with only the minimal relief from those stationary chores. Her husband Steve, concerned about the boredom pattern that was setting in, purchased his lovely wife a pet, a beautiful German shepherd named Henry who served as a marvelous companion as well as a skilled watchdog whenever her husband was away. But the pattern of boredom continued. Laura needed more than a pet dog to terminate the drudgery from her life. Finally Laura broke down and experimented sexually with a man. She told herself that it was just one of those things and was not likely to happen again. But it did! And with a number of quick successors, all of whom were willing to supply this lovely and often lonesome lass with everything they could in the way of sexual adventure. Once she found that she had no difficulty turning on with any number of men, she almost proceeded to cross another crucial sex line, this time into the field of lesbian activity, stopping just in time. Soon her sex appetites began to spin out of control as she enjoyed sex with ever larger numbers of people. Our story reveals, how dangerous dabbling into various strange sexual pathways can be, for one never truly knows, often until it is too late, where or how far the path will lead.