Attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) can make learning difficult for sufferers who struggle to cope with the affliction. They are usually in constant chaos until coping skills are put into place to create the “systematic information filter” that they need in order to process information. This book will help people with ADD/ADHD by way of teaching educators, parents, and others how to help the sufferers cope with the stress that often times disrupts learning. It will help those with the disorder achieve higher-level learning and success.
Attention deficit disorder/ hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) can make learning difficult for sufferers who struggle to cope with the affliction. They are usually in constant chaos until coping skills are put into place to create the “systematic information filter” that they need in order to process information. This book will help people with ADD/ADHD by way of teaching educators, parents, and others how to help the sufferers cope with the stress that often times disrupts learning. It will help those with the disorder achieve higher-level learning and success.