The fifth book in this award-winning series finds the young detectives in the middle of a thirty-year-old mystery and an FBI cover-up. Can they set the record straight for good… before it’s too late? Byte, Peter, Jake and Mattie have a chance encounter with a man who may be to blame for a bombing during an antiwar protest at a university in the early 1970s. Trying to uncover the truth behind events that occurred thirty years ago proves to be a matter of life and death. As the Misfits attempt to find out what really happened all those years ago, they face one obstacle after another, including a case of mistaken identity, a suspicious FBI agent, and the threat of another bomb explosion.
The fifth book in this award-winning series finds the young detectives in the middle of a thirty-year-old mystery and an FBI cover-up. Can they set the record straight for good… before it’s too late? Byte, Peter, Jake and Mattie have a chance encounter with a man who may be to blame for a bombing during an antiwar protest at a university in the early 1970s. Trying to uncover the truth behind events that occurred thirty years ago proves to be a matter of life and death. As the Misfits attempt to find out what really happened all those years ago, they face one obstacle after another, including a case of mistaken identity, a suspicious FBI agent, and the threat of another bomb explosion.