Outback Creek Primary School is so remote there are no suitable teachers to fill the grade six vacancy so as a temporary solution the school hires legal-eagle, Ms Law. After a window is broken, Ms Law instantly turns the classroom into a courtroom and sets about planning a trial to determine who is guilty. It looks certain someone will be found guilty until forensic evidence, an expert witness and a scientific explanation of why popcorn pops might convince Ms Law otherwise. Ms Law and the Corn-fusing Case of the Broken Window is the second book in the Crazy Relief Teacher Series.
Outback Creek Primary School is so remote there are no suitable teachers to fill the grade six vacancy so as a temporary solution the school hires legal-eagle, Ms Law. After a window is broken, Ms Law instantly turns the classroom into a courtroom and sets about planning a trial to determine who is guilty. It looks certain someone will be found guilty until forensic evidence, an expert witness and a scientific explanation of why popcorn pops might convince Ms Law otherwise. Ms Law and the Corn-fusing Case of the Broken Window is the second book in the Crazy Relief Teacher Series.