Through the voice of a young girl embarking on a journey with her father, My Adventure with the King tells a charming parable for all ages that showcases the beauty in this world and beyond. Interspersed with scripture and images, this picture book for children presents a sincere and heartwarming glimpse of love in its purest form. Based on author Nicole Ponek’s personal testimony, My Adventure with the King shares a series of incredible encounters with the Lord as He came to her in visions and dreams. Through her drawings and narrative, Ponek illustrates the beauty and amazing qualities of Jesus and offers a sweet, simple reminder of what really matters in this world.
Through the voice of a young girl embarking on a journey with her father, My Adventure with the King tells a charming parable for all ages that showcases the beauty in this world and beyond. Interspersed with scripture and images, this picture book for children presents a sincere and heartwarming glimpse of love in its purest form. Based on author Nicole Ponek’s personal testimony, My Adventure with the King shares a series of incredible encounters with the Lord as He came to her in visions and dreams. Through her drawings and narrative, Ponek illustrates the beauty and amazing qualities of Jesus and offers a sweet, simple reminder of what really matters in this world.