With shades of an erotic Jack the Ripper, Nightmare is the story of an African physician, set against the backdrop of race relations in the UK in the '50s. Dr. Patterson first witnesses and intervenes against whites out to committ acts of barbarity against women, then, when he finds himself on trial despite the station, feels the pressures of race and anger building up inside, until the day that he becomes a rapist and killer. Stunning title not often reprinted.
With shades of an erotic Jack the Ripper, Nightmare is the story of an African physician, set against the backdrop of race relations in the UK in the '50s. Dr. Patterson first witnesses and intervenes against whites out to committ acts of barbarity against women, then, when he finds himself on trial despite the station, feels the pressures of race and anger building up inside, until the day that he becomes a rapist and killer. Stunning title not often reprinted.