From the Preface: That it, the Great Pyramid, has never been even remotely understood yet by any race of men, and least of all by Egyptian or other branch of the Cainite and anti-Israelite family of nations, though it has been a standing riddle guessed at by all of them throughout their successive ages; but that is is able nevertheless to tell its own story and explain its grand, even Messianic future mission most unmistakably. Not, indeed, in the usual manner of less ancient monuments, by reference to, or use of, any written language, whether hieroglyphic or vulgar, but by aid of the mathematical and physicial science of modern times applied to show the reasons of its ancient numbers, measures, and proportions; a means fore-ordained and most efficacious both for preventing the parable being read too soon in the history of the world, and for insuring its being correctly read, and equally by all the advanced nations, when the fulness of time shale have arrived....and the world has at last the opportunity of seeing the Great Pyramid, not, indeed, as yet fully, but much more clearly,both by its own light, and as its inspired architect intended that it should be seen when the fifth thousand of years of its existence had begun,than ever has been the case hitherto, within the long, long period of man, of all human history.
From the Preface: That it, the Great Pyramid, has never been even remotely understood yet by any race of men, and least of all by Egyptian or other branch of the Cainite and anti-Israelite family of nations, though it has been a standing riddle guessed at by all of them throughout their successive ages; but that is is able nevertheless to tell its own story and explain its grand, even Messianic future mission most unmistakably. Not, indeed, in the usual manner of less ancient monuments, by reference to, or use of, any written language, whether hieroglyphic or vulgar, but by aid of the mathematical and physicial science of modern times applied to show the reasons of its ancient numbers, measures, and proportions; a means fore-ordained and most efficacious both for preventing the parable being read too soon in the history of the world, and for insuring its being correctly read, and equally by all the advanced nations, when the fulness of time shale have arrived....and the world has at last the opportunity of seeing the Great Pyramid, not, indeed, as yet fully, but much more clearly,both by its own light, and as its inspired architect intended that it should be seen when the fifth thousand of years of its existence had begun,than ever has been the case hitherto, within the long, long period of man, of all human history.