There are many diets available to lower cholesterol. Perfect Cholesterol In Just 3 Weeks, (without drugs!) goes where few other cholesterol lowering diets do. This book provides a plan to reduce cholesterol to healthy levels quickly. Then, equally importantly it provides the proven way to eat the foods you love and keep your cholesterol at healthy levels for life. Every morsel of food and every drop of liquid you put into your body has an effect, positive or negative on your health. Few physicians understand the true power of the foods we eat. You can now understand and harness this power to stay as healthy as you choose. Food should be enjoyed in a way that helps the body to thrive, not simply survive. Using prescription drugs to provide a false sense of health is no longer acceptable. No one wants to live the last 5 or 10 years of life in a nursing home. The life you enjoy tomorrow is a direct result of the choices you make today. Choose wisely. This book can provide the road map to making the right decisions. Never before has a solid connection been made between symptoms like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, fibrinogen, homocysteine, and "diseases of aging." Perfect Cholesterol In Just 3 Weeks makes this connection. This book will demonstrate this connection very clearly. These blood factors increase the resistance to blood flow through the capillaries of the entire body. With over 25,000 miles of capillaries to pass through, this causes a tremendous burden on the blood to deliver oxygen to all of the body's 70 Trillion cells. The result is a low grade "systemic hypoxia" in which the body cannot get optimal levels of oxygen as required for incredible health. This book provides a plan to improve blood flow throughout the body by creating the healthiest, most flexible red blood cells possible. By applying this plan, everyone can enjoy more energy, better sleep, clearer thought, vision and hearing. and the unique feeling of incredible health for a lifetime.
There are many diets available to lower cholesterol. Perfect Cholesterol In Just 3 Weeks, (without drugs!) goes where few other cholesterol lowering diets do. This book provides a plan to reduce cholesterol to healthy levels quickly. Then, equally importantly it provides the proven way to eat the foods you love and keep your cholesterol at healthy levels for life. Every morsel of food and every drop of liquid you put into your body has an effect, positive or negative on your health. Few physicians understand the true power of the foods we eat. You can now understand and harness this power to stay as healthy as you choose. Food should be enjoyed in a way that helps the body to thrive, not simply survive. Using prescription drugs to provide a false sense of health is no longer acceptable. No one wants to live the last 5 or 10 years of life in a nursing home. The life you enjoy tomorrow is a direct result of the choices you make today. Choose wisely. This book can provide the road map to making the right decisions. Never before has a solid connection been made between symptoms like high cholesterol, high triglycerides, fibrinogen, homocysteine, and "diseases of aging." Perfect Cholesterol In Just 3 Weeks makes this connection. This book will demonstrate this connection very clearly. These blood factors increase the resistance to blood flow through the capillaries of the entire body. With over 25,000 miles of capillaries to pass through, this causes a tremendous burden on the blood to deliver oxygen to all of the body's 70 Trillion cells. The result is a low grade "systemic hypoxia" in which the body cannot get optimal levels of oxygen as required for incredible health. This book provides a plan to improve blood flow throughout the body by creating the healthiest, most flexible red blood cells possible. By applying this plan, everyone can enjoy more energy, better sleep, clearer thought, vision and hearing. and the unique feeling of incredible health for a lifetime.