This is a story of one beautiful little girls journey down into Hell…on steroids. A chilling descent from early childhood sexual abuse, to alcohol and drug addiction, multiple incarcerations, prostitution, living on the streets in gang infested neighborhoods, and on and on. Essentially, a life sentence on the installment plan, was played out over a period of 20 plus years of a life she not only chose but became addicted to it. At times, Hell would have been a vacation from her life. Finally, came awareness, acceptance, recovery and redemption. Truly inspiring for anyone,. Why? Because, no matter how far down the depths of Hell one travels RECOVERY-REDEMPTION AND FORGIVNESS is possible for anyone-anywhere-anytime. All the more incredible when you learn what horrible events the author had to cope with during her recovery. Events that would have destroyed most others trying to claw their way out of Hell. It would be extremely hard to find a better example of incredible courage and perseverance…. A testament to one little girl’s strength of character in the face of incredible odds.
This is a story of one beautiful little girls journey down into Hell…on steroids. A chilling descent from early childhood sexual abuse, to alcohol and drug addiction, multiple incarcerations, prostitution, living on the streets in gang infested neighborhoods, and on and on. Essentially, a life sentence on the installment plan, was played out over a period of 20 plus years of a life she not only chose but became addicted to it. At times, Hell would have been a vacation from her life. Finally, came awareness, acceptance, recovery and redemption. Truly inspiring for anyone,. Why? Because, no matter how far down the depths of Hell one travels RECOVERY-REDEMPTION AND FORGIVNESS is possible for anyone-anywhere-anytime. All the more incredible when you learn what horrible events the author had to cope with during her recovery. Events that would have destroyed most others trying to claw their way out of Hell. It would be extremely hard to find a better example of incredible courage and perseverance…. A testament to one little girl’s strength of character in the face of incredible odds.