Table of Contents: Dedication / Introduction I Sola Scriptura: The Bible as Ultimate Authority II Doctrinal Diversity and the Invisible Church III The "Pure" Church, Devoid of Sinners IV Private Judgment V Church History VI The Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture VII Predestination, Calvinism, and Arminianism VIII "Dead" Catholics and Rituals, Etc. IX Martin Luther and Protestant Origins X Faith and Works Appendix 1 John Calvin on Protestant Divisions Appendix 2 The Agony of Luther, Melanchthon, and Bucer Over the State of Early Protestantism Appendix 3 Luther's Assertions of His Own Authority Appendix 4 Erasmus on Luther and Protestantism, and Luther on Erasmus Appendix 5 John Henry Newman on Protestantism Apostolical Tradition, 1836 On the Abuse of Private Judgment, 1837 Private Judgment, 1841 St. Athanasius' Rule of Faith, 1844 Faith and Private Judgment, 1849.
Table of Contents: Dedication / Introduction I Sola Scriptura: The Bible as Ultimate Authority II Doctrinal Diversity and the Invisible Church III The "Pure" Church, Devoid of Sinners IV Private Judgment V Church History VI The Perspicuity (Clearness) of Scripture VII Predestination, Calvinism, and Arminianism VIII "Dead" Catholics and Rituals, Etc. IX Martin Luther and Protestant Origins X Faith and Works Appendix 1 John Calvin on Protestant Divisions Appendix 2 The Agony of Luther, Melanchthon, and Bucer Over the State of Early Protestantism Appendix 3 Luther's Assertions of His Own Authority Appendix 4 Erasmus on Luther and Protestantism, and Luther on Erasmus Appendix 5 John Henry Newman on Protestantism Apostolical Tradition, 1836 On the Abuse of Private Judgment, 1837 Private Judgment, 1841 St. Athanasius' Rule of Faith, 1844 Faith and Private Judgment, 1849.