You see the book. You may have missed it! Whereas, if you browse it, you will get surprised and buy it!If you are groping in the dark with your day-to-day psychological problems; this book will ‘illuminate’ you.If you have all the thoughts and ideas in you that are dormant; it will bring all of them in focus with vibrance!Spare the rod, spoil the child? Wrong!Love the child, guide the child? Right!The Book works as a lens to see mind better and clear.The book not only rouses you from slumber but also shows the right paths. Four phases of life are discussed in this book: the student phase, the not-yet-married phase, middle-age and old-age.
You see the book. You may have missed it! Whereas, if you browse it, you will get surprised and buy it!If you are groping in the dark with your day-to-day psychological problems; this book will ‘illuminate’ you.If you have all the thoughts and ideas in you that are dormant; it will bring all of them in focus with vibrance!Spare the rod, spoil the child? Wrong!Love the child, guide the child? Right!The Book works as a lens to see mind better and clear.The book not only rouses you from slumber but also shows the right paths. Four phases of life are discussed in this book: the student phase, the not-yet-married phase, middle-age and old-age.