Imparting a vision to people that motivates them to change is large task. Putting the vision in motion can create a seemingly monumental task at times. But when we understand the power of synergy with leadership, the vision God gives us may be much closer to reality than we think. In this book, Tri Robinson, pastor of the Boise Vineyard Church, shares what he has learned in his journey of planting a church with 12 families and growing it to over 3,000 weekly attendees in 15 years. This book explains practically what that looks like as well as sharing inspiring stories of those who have caught this concept and implemented it in their own leadership.
Imparting a vision to people that motivates them to change is large task. Putting the vision in motion can create a seemingly monumental task at times. But when we understand the power of synergy with leadership, the vision God gives us may be much closer to reality than we think. In this book, Tri Robinson, pastor of the Boise Vineyard Church, shares what he has learned in his journey of planting a church with 12 families and growing it to over 3,000 weekly attendees in 15 years. This book explains practically what that looks like as well as sharing inspiring stories of those who have caught this concept and implemented it in their own leadership.