This fantasy story from the Robin Goodfellow series, as told by The Traveller, is set in a sleepy English seaside village in autumn. Due to tragic circumstances, thirteen year old Max and his older punk sister find themselves living at a guesthouse owned by their grandparents. Longing for adventure Max conjures up an enchantment which involves and threatens family, friends and foes alike. The enigmatic circus ringmaster sets Max a task almost impossible to complete. Max is plagued by his bullying cousin, Rafe and mongrel pack of mates. All the characters in this story embark upon a journey of self -reflection and personal growth. Max must solve the puzzle and complete the game before time runs out and the ringmaster claims them all! With help from his talking dog, his sister and unexpectedly from others, Max has the adventure of his life! Be careful what you wish for…
This fantasy story from the Robin Goodfellow series, as told by The Traveller, is set in a sleepy English seaside village in autumn. Due to tragic circumstances, thirteen year old Max and his older punk sister find themselves living at a guesthouse owned by their grandparents. Longing for adventure Max conjures up an enchantment which involves and threatens family, friends and foes alike. The enigmatic circus ringmaster sets Max a task almost impossible to complete. Max is plagued by his bullying cousin, Rafe and mongrel pack of mates. All the characters in this story embark upon a journey of self -reflection and personal growth. Max must solve the puzzle and complete the game before time runs out and the ringmaster claims them all! With help from his talking dog, his sister and unexpectedly from others, Max has the adventure of his life! Be careful what you wish for…