Upper Mene, a beautiful idyllic village in the Heart of England, where the villagers are typical hard working british families, comfortable and safe with the community around them. Everything you would expect from a small neighbourhood in a quiet, rural area. Except for one thing.Mene Hill stands guard over the village, a malevolent, ugly and evil reminder that they are all being watched.The first novel for this new female horror writer, Joanne Maddison.Broadcasts that lurk in the black static between stations, whispering truths too terrible to tell anywhere else. This is Dead Air - you have been warned....Acclaimed cult novelist Jasper Bark presents a collection of tales more terrifying than anything you have ever heard.
Upper Mene, a beautiful idyllic village in the Heart of England, where the villagers are typical hard working british families, comfortable and safe with the community around them. Everything you would expect from a small neighbourhood in a quiet, rural area. Except for one thing.Mene Hill stands guard over the village, a malevolent, ugly and evil reminder that they are all being watched.The first novel for this new female horror writer, Joanne Maddison.Broadcasts that lurk in the black static between stations, whispering truths too terrible to tell anywhere else. This is Dead Air - you have been warned....Acclaimed cult novelist Jasper Bark presents a collection of tales more terrifying than anything you have ever heard.