A Military Sci-fi Action-Adventure. The human race has discovered Genesis; a pristine new planet at the edges of known space. They sent 100,000 people across the stars to establish Earths first inter-planetary colony. Everything was fine until one day, with no warning, communications ceased. To all intents and purposes, Genesis dropped off the map. Scarab squadron; a newly-formed elite special-forces team are dispatched across the galaxy to find out what happened…
A Military Sci-fi Action-Adventure. The human race has discovered Genesis; a pristine new planet at the edges of known space. They sent 100,000 people across the stars to establish Earths first inter-planetary colony. Everything was fine until one day, with no warning, communications ceased. To all intents and purposes, Genesis dropped off the map. Scarab squadron; a newly-formed elite special-forces team are dispatched across the galaxy to find out what happened…